A couple of weekends ago was my dad's side's family reunion. I haven't been in years, but always had a good time when we went as a kid... I know nothing is ever the same as how you remember it, but it was still a really good weekend. It was fun to show Chad something from my childhood. The reunion is at Meramac Springs Park. It's a very pretty park... and Saturday was a beautiful day to be outside.
Here are some pictures...
Chad playing fetch with Rowdy
My brother Keith and me
A pretty view of the spring... the water is so pretty
Chad and I enjoying the water and the fish... R-diddy will not get that close to the water, he's so scared!!
At the park they have a trout hatchery... here are the baby trout, you can feed the fish and they really go at it to get the food
Here's a nature shot, there are some very pretty waterfalls
Since it's a spring the water is so freaking cold... but feels good on a hot day
We took the 'historic drive' which I've never done!! In all the times I've been to that park I've never done this... here's a really old cemetery, I got out and looked around (Chad wouldn't for some reason) and some of the stones were dated in the 1860s!!
This would be a really cute picture if that were actually me and Chad down there, but it's not... you do get a good idea of the size of things though
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