Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Guilty Pleasure

Okay.................... I'll admit it................ I watch The Hills.

I know.......... I know......... but I enjoy it for some reason....

Hello, I'm Jenn and I watch The Hills

Recently I watched an episode from the first season. I always knew that Heidi had changed appearances and totally got a boob job... however until I watched that episode I didn't realize how much.

Here is a picture from the first season.
Here's a current picture...

I understand this is at an event... however this is pretty much what she looks like on any given episode of The Hills... (yes I know it's not really real, so don't forget that) I'm sorry... but I refuse to believe that you hang around the apartment looking like these... you do a reality TV show... maybe you should make it appear like reality... just saying

Tonight I happened to turn on 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' on NBC and who happened to be on it? None other than Heidi and Spencer...
Now... how much more normal, real, and better does she looks without makeup... seriously

I spent enough time on this Heidi blog...

Another guilty please... Paris Hilton's My New BFF

1 comment:

Mel said...

Ok, the really weird thing is that while I'm reading this post I'm watching an episode of true live about wanting bigger boobs. What's the deal? Poor skinny girls. Ha.