Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rainy Night

I ab-so-freaking-lutly LOVE storms... I love listening to the rain and especially thunder (especially the loud unexpected thunder)... it's so soothing... it's not something you get to do all that often... I don't like being out in storm, but I love being home, in my pjs, and it storming... I really love Chad being home with me... I also really love waking up to a storm...

Now with that said...

I ab-so-freaking-lutly HATE local news coverage of storms... I hate the stupid scroll at the bottom, I hate the map that takes up a corner of the screen... and what I hate the most is when they cut into the show I'm watching... I'm sorry, but I wish they would do it at freaking commercial break... Tonight I was watching a repeat of ANTM and they cut in during the photo reviews... my favorite part... once when I was watching Survivor (one of my favorite shows on TV) they cut in right before tribal council... come on... seriously... this is one of my pet peeves...


1 comment:

Emily said...

I agree on the news coverage! We recorded SYTYCD and tried to watch it later....the news weather guy cut into a few performances!!