...if he would also answer the questions... and amazingly enough he agreed. So here's the first installment of getting to know us.
What is your favorite childhood book?
Jenn: I would have to say either Goodnight Moon or Green Eggs and Ham. I love all Dr. Seuss books.
Chad: My favorite childhood book would have to be Chicken Little.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Jenn: I would say I most enjoyed art classes, however I was probably best at science.
Chad: Probably chemistry - got to blow shit up and light things on fire.
What is your favorite flavor of jelly beans?
Jenn: My all time favorite is Juicy Pear, I also like watermelon
Chad: Strawberry Cheesecake
What flavor of ice cream do you prefer?
Jenn: My favorite is vanilla with hot fudge... mmmm
Chad: I would say chocolate chip cookie dough
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic?
Jenn: I think my best feature is my positive, upbeat attitude. I've always been happy and positive.
Chad: That's an extremely broad question - I'm extremely patient is one of them, the only one I can think of offhand.
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