Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting to Know Us Monday

We're back for our second installment of 'Getting to Know Us'. Here are today's five random questions and answers... enjoy (and let me know if you are enjoying this or if it's just stupid - I don't know unless you tell me!)

What is your strongest talent?
Jenn: I'm going to say my positive attitiude or giving advice to my friends
Chad: Pleasing people.

Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one(s)?
Jenn: I don't play any musical instrument - all of the music ability went to my brother and sister
Chad: Saxophone in school – nothing now.

What do you usually do when you have leisure time on your hands?
Jenn: I usually watch tv or do crafty things like cross-stitching. I also like to read.
Chad: Play XBOX, ride my motorcycle, work on computer stuff.

What is your favorite season and why?
Jenn: Either Spring or Fall... I love the cooler weather that's still mostly warm, it's the perfect time to sit outside
Chad: Summer – best weather to ride.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
Jenn: There are a ton of places I want to go... Australia, Greece, all over Europe including Italy, France, Great Britian, Ireland, maybe Spain. Tropical places like the Dominican and Puerto Rico would be amazing too... gosh I'm really dying for an actual vacation!!
Chad: For vacation, someplace tropic. To live, Canada.

1 comment:

dsdddwddgdd said...

i think this is very fun. so........keep it up :)