Thursday, April 29, 2010
Completely Random Pet Peeve
Monday, April 19, 2010
Years ago I had this friend... this friend and I had a major falling out. I would love to point to the reason that this falling out happened, but I just can't. I could list the reasons why it happened but they would sound childish and petty. Two weeks ago these reasons would have still made me tell you how awful this friend was... how horrible she was to me and all the reasons I didn't like her.
I've spent years in that spot of hate and anger... and today I can safely say I am no longer there. I no longer have this "enemy" I've pegged that friend to be...
What changed you may ask? Well that friend messaged me. The first time she tried this years ago I was not very nice, but this time I listened to her and accepted the apology. We have been messaging back and forth ever since.
I never thought I would be ok with this... I didn't ever want to forgive her for what she put me through, but it feels really really good not to have that anger and hate in my life. My mom said it right, it's like cancer. I'm really enjoying catching up with her. I'm actually looking forward to the messages. I hope that we are able to continue this friendship... rebuild what we once had.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Last Weekend in Review
Last Friday I went out to dinner with some old high school friends. I met Beth, Amanda and Emmie at Dewey's Pizza in Kirkwood. I have never been to Dewey's but it's somewhere I've wanted to try for awhile now. We had a bit of a wait since it was Friday night. The time went by fast since we chatted in the mean time. I got a Caesar salad to start off with and it was delicious. We split a pizza and I'll tell you we ordered way too much!! We got half pepperoni and half Billy Goat. It was pretty yummy but I was stuffed. The company was very nice. It's always great to catch up with old friends. I've known Amanda since elementary school and Emmie and Beth since middle school... so over 10 years. We talked about meeting up once a month to try new places and I really hope that we start that... I think it would be a lot of fun.
On Saturday night we headed over to The Little Bar for Liz's birthday. I've known Liz longer than any of the girls above. Liz and my birthdays are only 13 days apart. This bar is in South City and is exactly as it name says... little. I don't know many of Liz's other friends, but we still had a good time... well other than when the homeless woman came in and stood way to close for comfort to me... did I mention she had no bottom teeth AND she kept swaying to the music right on my back... ew!!!!
On Sunday we went bowling with my mom's family. Nearly everyone was there. Me, Chad, Mom, Lindsey, Pat, Karly, Brett, Keith, Billy, Cyndi, Ruth and Grandma. I was awful, I bowled worse than I've ever bowled before. In three games my total score wouldn't have broken 150. But one of the fun things we planned to do was to get my Grandma to bowl. You see, there are a lot of things in life that my Grandma hasn't done so when we heard that she has never been bowling before we knew we had to change that. The first time up she did very well. She was going to bowl every other or every third frame for my mom, but my mom did super awesome that game and bowled 5 strikes in a row. So after my mom's hot streak ended Grandma bowled again and got a strike!! Can you believe that?!?
The other funny thing that happened was I nearly killed my Grandma with a bowling ball... okay that might be a little dramatic. What happened was I was up and went to bowl. On my back swing I lost the grip of the ball and the ball flew backwards. Have you ever balled Wii bowling and did that for fun? It was a lot like that. Everyone was fine, but I couldn't believe I did that. I could not stop laughing.
We concluded the day by eating at a Cafe Manhattan, one of our favorites. The salad is SO YUMMY. It was really great spending time with my awesome family. I love the time we spend together, they are a lot of fun and really great people. I really hope that we do something like this very soon.
Overall last weekend was wonderful.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Cleaning out the Camera
My mom, brother and I hung out one day, we concluded the day by going to Ted Drewes. I got a pineapple concrete and it was so tasty!!
Cardinals Opening Day
Chad and I after the game, I had to post b/c of Chad's goofy face.
Birthday Gifts
First up, we have what my awesome mother-in-law Chris got me for my birthday. Below is a really cool cupcake pan that will make the cupcakes look like flowers. I can't wait to try it out. I also got some red velvet cake mix in a cool tube.
She also got me this cute apron with my name on it... that way Chad can't steal it!!
My super dad got me perhaps one of the most adult gifts ever... a new windshield!! About 6 months after I bought the car (back in 2007) I got my first crack. It wasn't that bad since when I was working at Wachovia I was parking indoors so my car was very rarely exposed to the elements. Well, when I got my new job I had to start parking outdoors and it was all down hill from there... Here's that crack... I'm not sure how well you can see it... Luckily this crack mostly stayed on the passenger side.
And here's the one that recently developed. I had a chip on the driver's side and last week when I got back from Indy he rinsed the pollen off my car. Well, I'm guessing some water got into the chip and then heated up and what do you know... a crack developed. This one was on my drivers side and right in my line of sight.
I don't have any pictures of my new windshield, but let me assure you it's flipping AWESOME. It's so clean and not-cracked... it's was really awesome driving with it.
And here my friends is part of the give Chad got me. Merb's chocolate covered strawberries. Oh they were so delicious!!
I'm also getting paint for my hallway from my mom... her and I need to pick that paint up so I can go to down on painting the hallway... it will be a pain in the fricking butt to paint tape, but it's going to make a huge difference in the house!!
One Year
my honeybear had his skull cut open, and a huge mass removed. It's crazy to think that he went through brain surgery... if you met him today the only way you would know is the slight scar on the back of his head. (and the fact he still can't wiggle his fingers at the same speed on both hands)
He's a strong guy!! We were lucky everything went so well and he's all better.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Upcoming Travel
I just got back from Indianapolis.
In May I will be headed to Tampa for my first conference "alone." I won't actually be alone b/c Euclid will be there with me, but I will also not have a project manager attending with me... I'm a bit nervous but I think this will be some really great experience for me.
In June I will be headed down to New Orleans. I'm excited for this trip as my mom will be coming with me. It's the first time I've brought someone along with me and we'll be sampling some New Orleans flare, since neither of us have been there before. It will be a fun trip just the two of us.
In July I might be going to San Francisco... I'm just not sure my travel will get approved. It's ok if it doesn't... we'll just have to see.
Also in July I'm hoping to go on family vacation finally to Daytona Beach. This was a spot we visited once a year for several years in a row, so it would bring back some memories. Plus it would be really great to show Chad these things.
In August I will be headed to Boston. This will be my second conference alone, but Euclid won't be there this time... so it's making me a little bit nervous. But it's still several months away, so there's no use in getting worried about that now.
In September or October I will possibly be headed to Washington DC... we'll see if I'm able to go.
I know that sometime in the coming months we'll want to visit Chad's mom in Virginia... just not sure when yet.
All in all... I'm becoming quite the traveler!!
Anyway the conference was this past week and it went really smoothly. I was pleasantly shocked. I am just so happy that we not only got through with it that it we knocked it out of the park in the process. People were very nice and thankful for everything that we did and everyone seemed to think it was a really great conference. After we finished up on Thursday I was just high on life. I was so flipping happy at how good of a job my team and I did. All my hard work paid off big time.
The hotel staff was amazing too. We were at the Downtown Indianapolis Marriott and I would have to say it was the best hotel staff I have worked with. They were so accommodating, personable and friendly. They got things done and since they scheduled a huge dinner a half an hour after our conference was suppose to end (it went late) they really made up for it. They also didn't rush us out of there... (ok they maybe did a little by setting up around us but it wasn't bad)
I guess I just want to say that I'm really happy this conference is over but I'm also really happy the end result was so good.
I am behind
- My birthday wrap up
- Indianapolis
- Upcoming Travel
- This current weekend
- An old "friend"
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thursday nights
Thursday nights are Chad and my date night. When we first got together we designated one night each week to be "date night" and that night is Thursday.
Each Thursday we know we will spend together, just the two of us. We don't do anything particularly special or super exciting... but it's the one night that we know we will be spending together. We don't make plans for Thursdays. Thursdays we spend together.
Like tonight we will spend together. We will watch Survivor together (our show) and probably a couple of other shows (CSI and Sober House) and we'll eat a great dinner and hang out the two of us.
I know some will say we hang out together every night of the week, but Thursdays are our special night... and will always be our special date night.
I read somewhere having a particular night each week that is like a date night is one of the characteristics of a healthy, happy, forever type of marriage. When I read that I thought, hey, we're doing something right (we had other characteristics as well)
Anyway... you'll all know what I'll be doing tonight.