Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday Gifts

I am very behind on posting some things... I have finally cleaned out the camera and want to share come pictures and stories.

First up, we have what my awesome mother-in-law Chris got me for my birthday. Below is a really cool cupcake pan that will make the cupcakes look like flowers. I can't wait to try it out. I also got some red velvet cake mix in a cool tube.

She also got me this cute apron with my name on it... that way Chad can't steal it!!
My super dad got me perhaps one of the most adult gifts ever... a new windshield!! About 6 months after I bought the car (back in 2007) I got my first crack. It wasn't that bad since when I was working at Wachovia I was parking indoors so my car was very rarely exposed to the elements. Well, when I got my new job I had to start parking outdoors and it was all down hill from there... Here's that crack... I'm not sure how well you can see it... Luckily this crack mostly stayed on the passenger side.
And here's the one that recently developed. I had a chip on the driver's side and last week when I got back from Indy he rinsed the pollen off my car. Well, I'm guessing some water got into the chip and then heated up and what do you know... a crack developed. This one was on my drivers side and right in my line of sight.
I don't have any pictures of my new windshield, but let me assure you it's flipping AWESOME. It's so clean and not-cracked... it's was really awesome driving with it.

And here my friends is part of the give Chad got me. Merb's chocolate covered strawberries. Oh they were so delicious!!
I'm also getting paint for my hallway from my mom... her and I need to pick that paint up so I can go to down on painting the hallway... it will be a pain in the fricking butt to paint tape, but it's going to make a huge difference in the house!!

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