Thursday, March 25, 2010


Work has been driving me crazy lately... seriously.

I have this big, higher profile conference coming up at the beginning of April in Indianapolis... right now this conference is driving. me. crazy!!

Seriously. This is the most complicated conference I've worked on. It's a two day conference for two groups of people. On the first day they are all together and the second day they split up. So there are two different brochures, two different sets of faculty and two different sets of problems.

These are higher profile people I'm dealing with also, so they don't always realize that it's important to send me the information I need.

The complexities keep growing and growing which gives me a growing feeling that I'm going to drop the ball somewhere... I hate that feeling. I like to be as on top of things as possible, and honestly I think I'm doing pretty good job of handling all the pieces, but this group is not making it easy... at. all.

Next week I ship which will be a bit of a relief... but not enough considering I still have to go to the conference and survive that. So... April 9th can't get here fast enough (well really April 8th at 6ish I'll be pretty happy)

I think this will be the first trip that I will be driving myself to the airport as well... that should be interesting... it sucks b/c I have a 6:10 flight... whew that's early!!

Alright, back to figuring out how I can plan ahead to make the next couple of weeks easier, but if you don't hear from me, you'll know why!!

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