Like I thought, New Moon went a lot faster than Twilight. I would still not refer to myself as a Twilight series fan, however I am enjoying the books. I did like New Moon... the lovely parts toward the end got a little bit corny... I'm not exactly sure where I'm falling on this whole Team Edward or Team Jacob... and I do feel weird having a dilemna on who I want to see Bella with... I like to have those kind of things figured out. My sister Lindsey has been so generous to let me borrow Eclipse, so that will be my next book and I am interested to see where this story goes, even though I kinda know what will happen in the end I don't know how it gets there.
team jacob ALL THE WAY!!!!
GO FOR IT!!! One of my greatest experiences was doing the Women over 40 half-marathon in Central Park in 2005. Once you set your mind to it and stick with your training plan, I know you'll be successful!
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