Sunday, March 21, 2010


I had a fabulous Saturday shopping with my mom, Grandma and awesome Aunt Ruth for my birthday. Quite frankly it didn't need to be my birthday to have fun with these awesome ladies. I really enjoyed just hanging out, commenting on clothes and trying on things.

I'll back up a little... Every year my grandma likes to take me shopping for my birthday. So yesterday me and my mom headed out to my aunt Ruth's house (where my grandma stays.)
After we arrived we headed out to lunch at O'Charlies. I had a half rack of ribs. They even gave me a free piece of Caramel pie, and it was deliciously rich.

We headed over to the big JCPenny's near O'Fallon. I wasn't really sure what I wanted, but had been thinking dresses might be where it's at. I picked out a few things, but the other 3 picked out a bunch for me too... and that was a lot of fun. I think I tried on nearly 12 dresses and liked several of them. We narrowed it down to these three. (please disregard my white legs and sloppy hair and just look at the awesome dresses)

This one will be great for conferences... I should have taken a picture of the back, it dips in back like it does in the front... totally adorable and completely comfortable.

I really love the straps on this one... it really makes my boobs look good and mom and Ruth said it has a slimming effect. I will say there's something weire about how I'm standing in the picture, Chad was sitting in front of me when he took it and I think the lower angle caused my bottom half to stand out a little more than my head... so ignore that in this picture
Here's the back...
And our favorite from the day... (my bottom half looks bigger in this picture too, I swear it's just the angle the picture was taken...)
Aren't they adorable??

My aunt Ruth also graciously bought me this adorable cardigan. I love the scrunched up sleeves and the flower and the button. Since these pictures I took myself in the mirror, they are just not as good and does not do the cardigan justice!!
After we were done at JC Penny... everyone coming away with something. We stopped by Target for a few things. I was able to pick up some sports bras (since I didn't have any!!) and shampoo. I also got to talk to Ruth about some type of hair product that I can put in my wet hair to get it to curl/wave better... although I didn't buy any yesterday she said she could pick me up some at the beauty supply store at a discount.

Overall it was a great great outing. I love spending time with these family members... we laughed and smiled a lot. I love you guys you made my day very special.


dsdddwddgdd said...

an absolutely lovely day!!

LINDSEY said...

I really like that second dress alot!