Thursday, March 18, 2010


I seriously need to get into shape. I've gained a bunch of weight and although I carry it well, I know that I have... I'm also becoming more and more out of shape and I have high choesteral... it's time to do something about this.

I cannot stress this enough, but I am NOT a long distance runner. I did Track and Field in high school and I did the events that involved the least amount of running possible. I even figured out a way to get out of the "warm up" laps each day. It's something about endurance... but mostly I don't know how to control my breathing very well.

I had heard a lot of buzz about the Couch to 5k Running Program. I've heard several stories people just like me (NOT runners) that used this program to be able to run a 5k. Never before have I actually wanted to be a runner... every once in awhile I would get a glimmer of desire to run and would try it but would push myself too much. I'd immediately try to go out and run for 30 minutes or a particular distance and would be dead and hate it by the end... I think that's why this 9-week program will be different. I will slowly work into the long distance running.

A year ago I refered to people running 5ks or other races as trendy... but maybe that's not a bad thing. I'm hoping to run a race in May or June... I want to do a couple of weeks of the program to gauge how well it's working for me. I am making myself except the fact my body might need more time on each week... and the directions say I can take the time that I need... I don't want to kill myself but I want to challenge myself as well.

One of the best parts of this is I got Chad to agree to train with me. I think he'll be a big help in motivating and pushing me... and I hope that I can do the same for him. Right now he doesn't plan to run a race with me, but maybe that will change.

I'm excited b/c I have a few friends that are runners or at least like to do 5ks. I'm excited that I can have a couple of running partners. My friend Carrie just moved closer to us so I'm really hoping to run with her sometime... after I get over my embarressing running.

I need a favor from all you loyal blog readers... I need you to help me stay on it. Usually when I try something like this I don't tell many people b/c I don't want to admit to people that I failed. This time around I'm telling everyone so you can be sure to keep me/us on track.

We've already done one work out and I will be updating every week (hopefully on Monday) about the previous week's workout... so stay tuned to see how we're progressing

1 comment:

Chris said...

I posted my comment to the wrong blog - guess I'm still waking up! Check it out under your twilight blog.