Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Randomness - Mid January Edition

Thought I'd give some updates what I've been up to the first few weeks of January.  I'm not sure if I'll remember everything or not, but we'll see what I come up with, haha
  • At the beginning of the month Dan and I went over to my cousin Andy's house for his son's second birthday.  Of course we went later in the day and missed the kid party portion, but had a really great night.  Dan is getting along with the cousins really well and we just had a low-key night of watching TV and drinking some beers.
  • A week or so later on a Friday that I was off of work Susan and I met up and did a little shopping at the mall.  I returned a dress I got for Christmas (loved the dress but sadly it just didn't fit) and scored a pair of skinny jeans for just $20... and since I had returned the dress there was no out of pocket cost.  After shopping we went over to Elephant Bar for happy hour.  It was a good time.  Elephant Bar has some good happy hour prices!
  • Speaking of being off on Friday, I've recently switched to four ten hour days at work.  This lets me have every Friday off work (thank goodness for having a supportive boss who lets me take the good day off work.)
  • The day after I went shopping and happy hour-ing we celebrated my grandma's birthday by having lunch at Pasta House and dessert back at my aunt's house.  Dan finally came and met some of that side of the family.
  • That night Dan's friend Kyle came over and we all went to roller derby.  Everyone that's read this blog for awhile probably knows my love for roller derby.  It was a lot of fun... as always.  This is the second time Dan and I have gone together and I really love that he likes going with me.
  • This past Friday night we went to a trivia night for the YMCA.  It was a lot of fun, we went last year as well.  This year Dan and I went early and had happy hour at Patricks - which is one of my favorite happy hour places.  Liz met us there and then we went over to trivia.  As I mentioned in an earlier post I made some yummy S'more Brownies for the night.  After trivia we decided to head back over to Patricks for more drinks with the whole group.  It was a lot of fun... and since my brother is leaving town soon it was nice to have a relaxing evening of drinks and chatting... I'm going to miss my brother!
  • Saturday I was pretty hung over... but finally kicked the hangover around 5 or 6... so we headed over to Dan's friend's house.  We stopped by Eckerts on the way to buy a yummy Strawberry Rhubarb pie and some sausage which was really awesome too.  We watched the Blues' game at his house... the Blues have started off the season pretty well huh?
  • Yesterday was MLK day.  My mom, sister, brother and I spent part of the day together... we went to lunch at Katie's Pizzeria (totally yummy).  Then we checked out the very low Mississippi river and then got dessert at Crown Candy Kitchen.  I got a hot fudge sundae.
That about wraps up what I've been up to the first few weeks of 2013... so far this year has been going pretty nicely!

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