Monday, January 21, 2013

S'more Brownies - New Recipe

This past weekend I went to a trivia night with my dad, step-mom, brother, his girlfriend, his friend, my friend Liz, and boyfriend Dan.

It seemed like a good time to try a new recipe.  I looked trough part of my Pinterest recipe board (by far my most full board with 273 pins as of this entry)

I limited it down to these three recipes:

S'more Brownies
Slutty Brownies
Peanut Butter and Jelly Squares

I asked some opinions and Lindsey was the only decisive one and picked the S'more Brownies - here's the recipe site.

What was particularly easy about this recipe is you use a box brownie mix - thank goodness for easy!

I also didn't buy the milk chocolate bars and instead got semi-sweet Hersey (or was it Toll-House I can't remember) chunks... I bought everything else generic.  I added some extra marshmallows and some extra graham crackers... b/c why not?!?

Here's a picture of them... I should have taken a picture of them in the pan - the picture on the linked blog is better

I got some good compliments on them at the trivia night and I finally had one last night.  They are pretty tasty - but how can you really go wrong with brownie, chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker?

I will say that letting them cool even longer than I did (like two hours in the pan, in hindsight I should have removed them from the pan that would have helped them cool faster I'm sure.)  It was semi-difficult to cut b/c they were so gooey.  But I'm totally happy with how they turned out... totally yummy!

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