Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 New Years Resolution

Now is the time to talk about some person goals for 2013.  There will probably be some similar themes in these goals as ones you've seen in the past... and maybe a new one or two sprinkled in there.

  • Okay, just getting this one out of the way early... I want to be more healthy.  I need to find a good balance between eating what I like to eat and being healthy.  I also bought a gym membership (it was a Living Social deal in December).  I hope that I am able to add some exercise into my life.  I'd like to lose some poundage too - but hope that comes with being healthier. 
  • I would like to move out of my mom's house this year
  • I want to continue to maintain my financial spreadsheet.  I want to continue to put money into savings every paycheck and when I move out I want to develop a good more in-depth budget. 
  • I would like to start doing more artsy/crafty projects - how about one crafty project a month.
  • I would like to start cooking baking more - so one new dish every month.
  • I want to start wearing make up to work... I'll just look better... let's face that.
  • I would like to blog more.  Last year I only completed 50 blog entries (30 of which were short I'm Thankful posts)  I would like to get back to what I was doing in 2010 and 2011.  So let's make a goal of 120 posts - which averages 10 posts a month.  I hope to blog about some of those craft projects and baking dishes.
  • Finally, I'm going to try to read more.  I couple of years ago my goal was to read 25 books in the year.  I made it to 15 books that year (2010).  I hope to reach that same goal of 15 book in 2013.  I already have some books I got for Christmas - I can't wait to read them.
In summary here are the measurable goals for 2013... can you believe I have more than one this year??
  1. Move out
  2. One crafty project a month
  3. One new dish a month
  4. Write 120 blog posts
  5.  Read 15 books
Wish me luck!

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