Friday, January 11, 2013

Dinner Last Night - New Recipe

This might be a totally lilly thing to post about - but whatever!

Last night Dan and I cooked dinner together.  Let me start off by saying that Dan is a really good cook.  He makes some super yummy things and likes to make different things for dinner.  Like one night we were just going to get a frozen pizza for dinner and then he decided that a home-made breakfast pizza would be better.  He's really great at it and (so far) hasn't made anything I didn't like.

He also makes fun of me because my skills in the kitchen aren't as great.  I really do like baking more than cooking... but even so I can cook, it's just never been anything I super like to do... I do want to get better at it though.  I think my biggest problem is figuring out what to make.  I alway go-to three or four different meals and can hardly ever think outside of that little box.  I am very indecisive - something I'll hopefully get better about.

Last night, since the weather was so nice it seemed like a great time to BBQ... and BBQing it totally a man's job (haha).  So I told Dan he should BBQ and then I would make the sides.  Here's the meal we had.

Dan BBQed the brat... yum.  He even toasted the bun... what a nice touch!

I made the other two sides.

First up the green beans.  I kinda half winged them half looked at a recipe.  I got some fresh green beans (although I did not buy nearly enough).  I boiled them with just a bit of water.  Once they were at a boil I turned down the heat (this part I got from the recipe.)  After they had cooked long enough (and Dan thought my method was completely stupid, but whatever I've done it this way before so I somewhat know what I'm doing).  I drained them and then added them back to the skillet with three cloves of garlic that I chopped.  I cooked them like that... I also added a bit of garlic salt (what can I say? I love garlic).  When they were almost finished I added a little splash of lemon juice and some course black pepper.  They were pretty good in my opinion.

The other thing I made was oven mac and cheese.  I love mac and cheese...  I just Googled around and found this recipe which I particularly liked b/c it did not involve a rue.  I always mes up rues so I like to try to avoid them (know your strengths right?).  I cut the recipe mostly in half, but added extra cheese b/c I was lazy (I just used the whole 2 cup bag).  It turned out pretty good.  Not the best mac and cheese I've ever eaten or anything, but it was simple and I'd make it again.  My second helping I added hot sauce and it was really yummy.

I just wanted to share my meal - hopefully I'll begin to share more.

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