Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012: Year In Review

I was a very bad blogger this past year... which might make this year in review post somewhat difficult, but I'm going to try anyway :)

January:  I celebrated the new year with some great friends.  My mom and I also visited the confluence.

February:  I started online dating... ok, I met one person... but still - gotta start somewhere.  I also believe around this time is when I started weekly hang outs with my friend Michelle to watch really crappy television.  I attended my first St. Louis Mardi Gras too.

March:  I celebrated my 28th birthday with an amazing surprise party thrown by my friends and family.  Saw The Hunger Games at a midnight showing.  I also met my current boyfriend, Dan - who took me to a Blues game for my birthday. 

April:  I went to opening day with my dad.  I also went to a Blues playoff game with Dan... St. Louis lost both... figures!!  I saw Swan Lake at the Touhill.  I also paid off my credit card!!

May:  I finished my last class of my masters degree!!  My brother also graduated from law school. I  got a new position at work (lateral move).  I started on a cross stitch Christmas stocking.  I also officially became divorced. I saw Mary Poppins at Peabody Opera House.

June:  I attended a family wedding.  We also took our Mammoth Cave trip.  I helped out with the bowling event of the Golden Age Games that took place in St. Louis.

July: Celebrated the marriage of my cousin Billy.  Saw the Dark Knight Rises at the Omninax theater at the Science Center.  Went to a surprise party for my cousin Andy.  I went on a real vacation to Daytona Beach, FL with my step-sister Rachel and best friend Liz.  Paid off my car (in other words totally out of debt other than student loans!)

August:  I visited my college friend Melissa in Iowa (and went to the Iowa State Fair while I was there!)  Celebrated my other best friend, Susan's, 30th birthday - twice.  Went to dinner to celebrate me finishing my masters degree.  I also saw the Lion King at the fox - we had amazing seats! I helped throw a bridal shower for Liz.

September:  Dan and I went to both Six Flags and Grant's Farm.  Went to a couple of Cardinals games including one with all-inclusive seats.  We also celebrated with a Bachelorette Party for Liz.

October:  My best friend got married!!  My sister graduated from her recovery group.  I also took a mini trip with my mom and Grandma to Eureka Springs. 

November:  I upgraded my phone.  Went to a corn maze with Lindsey and mom.  Celebrated Thanksgiving!!  Wrote about being thankful.

December:  Lots of family celebrations... Christmas!!  And celebrated New Years Eve with an amazing boyfriend at Off Broadway. (Pictures forthcoming)

It was quite the year... so much has changed but it's been a very full year full of wonderful things.  Thanks if you were a part of it... it was fantastic!!  Here's to a even better 2013.

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