Since meeting Chad there have been two issues that were once not that important to me, but now they are near and dear to my heart. The first is motorcycle awareness (watching for our two wheeled friends on the road) and the second is pit bulls. Today I will rant about the second one...
Last week sometime (maybe Friday) I read a very short article on StLToday about a pit bull who attacked a one year old boy... (
here is the article) As you can see it is very short and not very informative... The part of this story that bothers me is the comments made by people about pit bulls.
Once upon a time I was scared of these dogs... all I knew about them was they attacked people and were used in dog fighting... I did not know much else... mostly b/c you don't hear those stories. Then my cousin Ashley had to her rid of her pit b/c she just didn't have the room for it anymore... Chad and I decided that we would take him in. He was the sweetest dog... Ashley has two kids and those kids could do practically anything to that dog and he wouldn't mind. While I was nervous at first about having him in our home I quickly got over that... Bear was the sweetest and sadly had a rough life and we had to put him
to sleep.
Shortly there after Chad brought home another pit...
Rowdy. Rowdy has been with us for a few months now... he's still a puppy but looking at his pictures in that post it's amazing how big he is now. He is the same loving, sweet dog that Bear was. He loves to play catch and tug-of-war... him and Bozley get along wonderfully... and he loves being next to people. When we have people over everyone falls in love with Rowdy... we hear "I'm going to steal your dog" out of almost every single one of our friend's mouths.
So I read the above article and more notably the comments... It's just another case of sheer ignorance... seriously. People get scared of these wonderful dogs b/c of selective reporting... Whenever it is a pit bull in question the breed gets named, but if it is another type of dog it's just 'a dog'... going further on this Chad informed me that our neighbor's dog attacked the elderly sick mother... and she had to get like 37 stitches in her face... that dog was NOT a pit.
I feel like I'm jumping all over the place with this post...
Anyway... it's just sad that there are ignorant people out there... people that want to breed these wonderful dogs out of existence... or ban breeds in certain areas... meaning they could pass a law in my town banning me from having our wonderful dog. I wish people (like I once was) could understand that pits can be amazing dogs... and the reason a lot 'go bad' is b/c of careless owners... or worse owners that train their dogs to do that... They give these loving dogs a bad name.
This is all about closed-mindedness... like other topics I will not go into today.
I hope everyone can realize that pits are great dogs... they are not all bad... they can be loving and caring and amazing pets... I love my pit!!
I wanted to add that the only thing dangerous about my pit bull is his tail... (it's like a whip when he's wagging it) and I just noticed he attacked Boz with kisses... how freaking cute.