Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Something I NEVER do...

I never ever eat left overs... the only exception to this is chili (which gets better the second day) and pizza. I don't know what it is, but I just don't like it... even if the food was amazing the first time around I don't want it the second time around. I think so of it has to do with how it looks cold... or maybe it's getting into a container... or maybe it's that it never tastes quite the same... or maybe it's that it doesn't heat up well... or maybe it's I don't want to eat the same meal twice in a row... whatever the reason I do not will not eat left overs.

I wish I was the type that would... this would be very handy for lunch the next day or dinner the next night... but I just don't like to do it... here's another goofy thing... if someone else will prepare the left overs for me I am more apt to eat them... but I'm usually not happy about it.

(I'm a strange person when it comes to food... I have some really weird habits)

Anyway... last night I did the unthinkable... I ate left overs... and not only that I fixed them myself... I got them out of the container (which came out in the shape of the container... gross) and heated them up... and ate them... it wasn't as good the second time around - kinda bland... but I did it...

What were these leftovers you may ask... Chad had made stir fry (his stir fry is so. freaking. delicious.) and I ate what we had left over from Monday...

Aren't y'all proud??

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