Wednesday, November 4, 2009

no break up reported

Remember in my last post where I was excited about getting U-Verse installed. I may not have expressed my excitement. I was planning in my head all the things I would DVR... it was going to change how we watched TV!! And most importantly we were going to dump Charter!!

Well the very nice U-Verse installer dude came all the way out here to spend about an hour to tell us we were not, I repeat NOT, within the allowable signal area. Chad was very angry!! The installer was perfectly nice about it, but geez... how did they not know this before driving out here beat me. He said that the signal only reaches 3000 (feet or meters I can't remember) and we were 4300 (ft or m) away. That's no short measure either way... so how U-Verse did not know this before coming out beat the heck out of me!! I mean they have been sending up mailings and a neighborhood canvas before we signed up. It's just so annoying.

So Charter... we remain in a committed relationship.

1 comment:

Liz said...

OH! I'm so sorry! We broke up with Charter about a year ago and have been happy ever since. If they're canvassing your neighborhood, maybe they'll get on the ball and install another hub. :D