Thursday, November 12, 2009

I feel like I keep saying this...

I'm sorry I've been neglecting my blog... Here is today's reason... I have been working on a present for someone's birthday and that's what's been taking up my computer time as of lately. I promise to show you what I've been working on after the birthday in question... and hopefully everyone will be able to understand how much freaking time it's taken it... and I'm only about half way done... but it will be worth it in the end.

What's been going on with us?

Well this last weekend I "convinced" Chad to get a new tattoo. It didn't take a whole heck of a lot convincing... but he's been wanting to get one for quite awhile, and I decided Saturday was the day to do that. So we headed out to breakfast at City Diner and then went to Cheap Trix. He got the phoenix he's been wanting. He got half of it done and will have to go back for color. It looks super awesome. The tattoo artist was really excited about doing it as well, so that was fun.(pictures to come)

Saturday night we went to a trivia night with my mom, Keith, Sarah, Rachel, Mom's friend Becky, and our friend Michelle. The questions were good, we did ok... probably around the middle of the pack. We didn't win, but that's hard when the winning team only got 3 questions wrong!! Still a fun time!!

Sunday we had lunch with the family to celebrate my awesome little sister, Lindsey's birthday. She's 17 now (it's days like these I start to feel old considering I remember when she was born!!).

On Monday, Chad cooked us a wonderful stir-fry dinner. He made some super delicious thai noodles with chicken, green pepper and broccoli. Yesterday, I made Baked Potato Soup. It was just ok... pretty thick and heavy... I'm not sure I would make it again, but it was worth the try.

Something to look forward to in the next week - My Christmas List... I know everyone will be super psyched!!

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