Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We're cool kids now

I promise I will make the big post about the weekend soon... maybe even later tonight...

But before I make that post...

For awhile now it hasn't been sending random text messages... I mean I would type out the entire text and hit send, it would say 'sending' and 'message sent' but it wouldn't actually send the text... and I would have no record of the message ever being typed... it was so freaking annoying!!

But, in the last week my phone has gotten really crappy... Meaning the screen wasn't working and I couldn't see anything on my phone... talk about annoying.

So last week Chad started to do the research into iphones... and yesterday we went out and made the purchase... I know we are totally following the trend, but I'm not sure you've ever messed with an iphone... those things are freaking amazing.

We're still figuring out which apps to get... but I downloaded Oregon Trail... OMG so much fun.

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