We flew out East on Wednesday. We got to the airport a little early - around 3:45 - found some food and then I bought my People magazine b/c it's my favorite to read when I travel. We settled into some seat by our gate to catch our 6:10 flight... that's when someone came onto the speaker to tell us our flight was being delayed to 8:45... nearly 3 hours... due to backed up air traffic out East. Wonderful. Chad and I managed to stay entertained and the flight ended up departing around 9pm. We arrived in Boston around 12:30. Due to parking concerns at the house we were staying at, my dad hired a car service to take us up to Kennebunkport, ME... So we met the driver who was holding a sign with our names on it... that was kinda cool. I managed to sleep in the car on the way up there... we got to the house around 2:30 am...
We were staying in a beach home... it had no AC... They really don't need it since the windows can stay opened... but since it was so close to the beach it was humid... and after that very long day we had to crawl into a bed with that damp feeling... that took a little bit to get use to, but we were so freaking tired that we managed to fall asleep pretty fast.
Thursday morning started out very early... especially considering we were on Eastern time now and we didn't get to the house until very late (or early depending on how you look at it)... so we really didn't get to catch a whole heck of a lot of sleep... We were woken up around 8:30 to be ready by 9 to head out to Adriane's Chad's dad's barn (follow that?!?) This drive took a while... but we finally made it there.
Let me explain a little about the aforementioned barn... Chad's dad (Chuck) is a classic sports car enthusiast... he built this big "barn" to house the cars. He has 28 cars in this garage.
One side of the garage
Anyway... back to the day... Chuck took us on a tour of his collection and told us a little about each car... in all honesty I didn't pay all that much attention b/c I'm not really a car person... but El Chad is... and he was pretty much digging it. We get to the last car and Chuck asks who can drive a manual transmission and nearly everyone raised their hands (not I since I don't know how to one yet) and then something totally unbelievable happened... this line was actually spoken... "pick a car you want to drive and go stand next to it"... we kinda just looked around at each other... but he was serious... he let everyone drive his old, classic,
So we had a car parade to the country club where we had lunch. Chuck even had the chief of police wave us through the only stop sign along the way.
Picture of part of the parade
Can't see it very well, but there's a police officer back there
We had a very delicious lunch at the country club and headed back to the barn. When we got back Chuck let everyone drive the car that they wanted to. Chad took me on a ride in an adorable Jaguar.
(he really was happy, this picture just doesn't show it...)
After enough cars for one day we headed back to the house... Chad drove us back, but that allowed me to get a bit of a nap. We got back to the house and Chad and I took a real nap... You can't really blame us b/c we'd had some really long days and not much sleep.
We woke up and got ready for the cocktail party. It was a very nice affair... catered (although I didn't really eat anything b/c I wasn't feeling good) and had some great drinks... they had a specialty drink - pomegranate martinis - yummy (yes, I know you're probably shaking your head at this... you didn't feel well enough to eat but you felt well enough to drink... well... I stopped drinking when I started to feel bad and switched to water in a fun glass)
I was warned before I went to Maine about the mosquitoes... and that was no joke... we got eaten up... I even got a bite on the bottom of my foot... talk about annoying!! Anywho... Chad and I took a very lovely walk on the beach to round out the night.
Here's the outfit I wore... I just wanted to be sure to get a picture of the dress
We were finally able to sleep in on Friday (although not too late since it was very bright in our room). I did not attend the bridal brunch... although I'm not going to get into the details on here... it's not worth it and I would rather not start anything more...
Not attending the brunch gave us an opportunity to hang out with Keith and Sarah... we went to a delicious breakfast at a place call All Day Breakfast... Chad's waffle was AMAZING as was my french toast. We then headed out to gawk at the Bush estate (we heard that W was in town)... it's one of the things you do while in Kennebunkport. I would have liked to take a trip on a sail boat, but the times just didn't work out for us.
Walker Point
That night we had to rehearsal and dinner. The dinner was at this resort that looked out over the ocean. The kinda strange thing was the party took place right next to the pool. This dinner was very nice... it was a lobster bake. This was my first (and probably last) time eating lobster like that. I know you might all hate me but I really didn't care for it. I'm not a huge seafood fan though.
My hair frizzed like crazy!!
This is just a really pretty picture of Keith and Sarah
I finished up the night by sitting on the beach by myself (which I never do) to clear my mind and think about some of the things I don't want to discuss on here... I saw a shooting star... but didn't really know what to wish for. It was peaceful way to end the night.
Wedding day. We spent the first half of the day lounging around. Chad and I went on a nice little drive around town for fun. Then we came back and got ready. The ceremony took place at at very pretty spot. It was kinda strange how religious the ceremony was... but to each their own. I think I did a pretty good job with my reading... I did mess up the last word (dang preserves vs. perseveres) No one would have noticed if I hadn't corrected myself after I made the mistake... oh well that's just what I do.
These next two are courtesy of Sarah

The reception was at a very beautiful location as well. They had a specialty drink - blueberry martinis - yumo. The event way very classy... and the food was very delicious. The band was great too. We all danced (my dad and brother were funny out there). Chad danced to a couple of slow songs. Overall it was a very fun night.
All we did on Sunday was attend the farewell brunch (yummy food... the way to my heart is most certainly breakfast food) and then headed to the airport to come home. Our dogs and cats were very happy to see us.
Overall the trip was a very nice one. It was fun to be around family and experience a couple of states I'd never been to before. It would have been nice to spend more time in the area... but there's always next time... right?
Here's my one statement about previous blogs about this event... I am happy that it's over.
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