- My rearview mirror fell off my windeshield. You may remember I got my windshield replaced for my birthday... well, I guess the mirror just didn't stay stuck. I've been driving around for the last couple of days without one, and boy is it a weird experience!! They came out today to reglue it... real quick and now I can see behind me one again... very important!!
- One of our garage doors is broken... lovely... I'm not sure what we'll do to fix it, but in the meantime it's just annoying!!
- I am bored at work right now... I know at some point very soon I'll be busier and wishing for this time, but right now I'm just plain bored... I've worked so far ahead on everything that I've just got nothing... very exciting let me tell you
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
3 Random Things
Poor Stitch
Here are some pictures (they are craptastic b/c they were taken on my iphone) You can see the pink nails in the bottom of this picture

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Awareness Test
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
We got good customer service at Charter... what?!?
The lowest cost option was $9 a month. This includes one DVD at a time and unlimited instant streaming. This is nice b/c we have a Xbox so we can stream directly to that.
Chad said in order to do the Netflix thing we would have to cut our cable bill by at least the cost of Netflix. I hesitantly agreed... I have grown accustomed to being able to flip and watch any channel pretty much (actually there are quite a few channels I wouldn't mind adding, Discovery ID being one of them). But I agreed to dropping some of the premium channels.
So Chad called Charter up... one of his favorite things to do, haha. But surprisingly he got good service. He told them he wanted to get rid of a couple of the premiums and basically lower his bill... well instead they gave us a $30 discount (since we've been 'long-time' customers) and gave us an extra service (EPIX or something like that). Can you believe that? Just for calling we get everything we use to have plus this new service and we pay $30 less a month. Who would have though?!?
The $30 discount more than covers the cost of Netflix, which really means we get all we use to have plus EPIX, plus Netflix and still are saving $20 per month. I'd say that's a score!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Not getting me down...
- Our camera broke... we have a Nikon Coolpix L18 and it got a lens error... basically the lens will not retract back into the camera. It's true... I let a toddler play with the camera but she didn't do anything that I haven't done to it... I mean I'm pretty hard on small electronics I drop EVERYTHING... well I guess it was just one to many times. I'm sad and upset... looks like we're going to have to get a new camera... everything I'm finding says for the cost it will be to repair we might as well buy a new camera... blah...
- Someone or something hacked both my AIM and Yahoo account. Both of these accounts are one I've had since high school... so like 10 years. I have been able to reclaim the Yahoo account but not the AIM one... it really makes me upset there's nothing I can do about it.
- Mosquitoes love me... nuff said
Here are a few awesome things that have happened lately
- We have a brand spanking new air conditioner
- Our insurance company refused to pay for Chad's gamma knife procedure saying it wasn't medically necessary... Chad's doctors are appealing it... fingers crossed on that one
- I finished all the laundry today... I still want to do the sheets and duvet cover but I'm feeling pretty good about that
- I also organized and condensed my sock and underwear drawers
- I also went through all my pictures on this computer (makes me miss the camera this much more) and figured out my favorites to be able to print them
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How does your garden grow?
Background: I am not good with flowers... I've been known to kill them in the past... Chad doesn't want me to waste the money on plants that are going to eventually die. I tend to agree with this. I figured that this would be a good way to test out if I can keep plants alive again. I really want our yard to be pretty... So my mom bought be a few plants. She also dug some up from her garden for me to have. I decided instead of waiting until the next to plant I came home and went to work. Of course my garden beds were much worse than I had remembered, so I had to weed first... blah, what fun that was...
I mean, look at the awfulness that is the front yard... I mean, what the heck is that random green leafed plant?? They are all over the front yard.
Looks like a forest floor!!
Since I'm wring this blog from a different than normal computer I am having the dangest time rearranging the pictures... so here's where I jump from the front yard to the back yard... Tune into the end of the blog to see how the front yard looks now...
My beautiful Knockout Rose bush... I'm hoping this baby grows into a lovely big plant... Yes... I need to weed around it, but by the end of the ripping up all the things in the front yard I was tired and knew I needed to get the plants in the ground. And this is in the back as well... the lovely Clematis, hopefully this guy covers a portion of the fence.
And now we jump inside to my Angel Wing plant. Chad's grandma gave it to me on Sunday. I plan to transport some sprigs to make some new starters of my own.
Aw... back to the front yard... here's my 3 new Rhododendron plants... hopefully they grow big and beautiful... btw look how all those green leafed plants are gone... yay!! That other one standing up is something my mom gave me. Rose of sharon I believe... there's a few more planted all the way at the end as well.
Those grassy looking plants have been there since we bought the house
And finally... lily of the valley.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
the painting
First I taped off lines on the canvas.
Then started to paint in the areas with different colors (dark and light blue and dark and light purple)
Then took off the tape...
And painted around the shapes... I still need to paint the edge of the canvas... but what do you think? I want to know!!