Our poor kitty Stitch has awful allergies. Whatever she's allergic to gives her itchy bumps. She then scratches those itchy bumps and breaks them open... which causes them to scab. So poor Stitch has bumpy scabs all over her neck.
We took her to the vet on Monday (along with Pretty) for their yearly checkups. We talked to a different doctor and he gave us a lot of good information. Turns out it's rare for cats to get allergies... but he gave her a shot... we just needed to ensure that she would heal up ok.
Well, she's still been scratching and she has an awful wound on her jaw bone (we think b/c the scabs are itchy so she keeps breaking open the same one.) It's looked bad for two days so we knew we had to do something. We called the vet and they recommended a c-collar. So we headed up to Petsmart. When we got there we were first looking in the cat section and came across this... (ok wasn't actually that, but it's so similar we'll go with it) They are claw covers... kinda like press on nails for cats. We got hot pink and purple. Then we asked where the c-collars were and realized that even the smallest one they had was way too large for Stitch. So we just got some of that gauze (that was bright pink).
We came home and knew that we were going to torture that poor cat. We had to glue on the nails as well as wrap her neck with gauze. In the end she did really well, but she was not happy... and really you can't blame her. When I woke up this morning I thought for sure she'd be missing some of the pretty pink nails and for sure would have gotten the gauze off... but she didn't!! I'm really hoping she gets healed up... I hate seeing her all scratched up.
Here are some pictures (they are craptastic b/c they were taken on my iphone) You can see the pink nails in the bottom of this picture

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