Well when we got that new furniture she made more appearances in the living room... and would spend more time with us in the living room. I enjoyed that b/c I like having her around more...
But in the last few weeks she's been acting different. Now she wants to sit by or on me all the time. She'll crawl up in my lap (which she would RARELY do before) or in the crook of my legs or if I'm sitting she'll sit right next to me. I've really been loving the fact she's being so friendly to me lately... but it also makes me wonder why...
The only real conclusion I can come up with is she's missed me... I've been away from the house a lot in the past month or so... and let's face it these cats like me more than Chad (sorry Chad)... I think she has missed me being around... and if that is the case isn't that freaking adorable??
Stitch is an adorable cat... her and Pretty are way different... When we got Stitch as a kitten from the Humane Society she had a goofy tail... she must have gotten into a fight or something when she was a kitten b/c it was broken and the top is kinked to the side. What made her so funny looking then was they shaved it down to make she the tail wasn't getting infected... so she had a ball on the top... We knew she was the perfect cat when we saw that. This tail issue also has caused her to pretty much always walk around the house with her tail straight up in the air. She looks like she's prancing around the house... which is why we call her the house princess
Stitch is pretty goofy too... you can tell sometimes she just likes to mess with the dogs. She'll walk over to them and put her big fluffy tail in their faces...
The poor cat though is allergic to something around here... she scratches at her neck a lot which causes her to bleed and then it scabs over... I feel bad for her, but thus far we haven't figured out what to do... she's been to the vet a few times for it... I hope it gets better over the winter.
And here's way too many pics... enjoy
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