Monday, October 26, 2009

Falling Apart at the Seams

I can pin-point the hour I got sick... seriously, it was about the strangest thing...

I got on the plane in San Jose (did I mention I was in San Jose?? My last work trip of the year... more on that another time...) feeling 100% awesome. And by the time the plane landed in Phoenix I was completely drainy. That dang plane got me sick!! It was so bad... if I was sitting upright it was draining down... and when I laid my head on the wall the it drained that direction... bizarre.

I'm always happy to get home... I miss Chad... that may sound silly or something, but really... I miss being with him. But by the time I got home the headache started as well. Chad thinks travel gets me sick since this makes the second time in a row that I've come home sick.

Before the last few months I would say (ok, I still say) I never get sick. It's true though, I've had a healthy life... but man... the last couple of months have not been the best for me.

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