Wednesday, October 28, 2009


For almost two years now I have had 4 blank canvases. I asked for them for Christmas with the idea I would eventually paint them and hang them up in our house as artwork.

But I cannot decide what to paint... I have these ideas but then talk myself out of them... I'm so worried that I'm going to paint something in my mind and it's going to be awful... I know I can always paint over them again or use paint thinner or something... but idk... I just don't know what to do... nothing is ever going to turn out like it is in my head...

I also got a an already painted canvas at my mom's garage sale I plan on doing something with... I think I just need to get over this "fear" and paint them... our walls very much need things on them...

Please give me some confidence... oh and some better art skills would be helpful too!!

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