Thursday, April 30, 2009

Never... until Last Night

Last night something happened to me that's never happened before... or at least I cannot remember it happening. Chad and I were in the kitchen making a couple of cookies (we have a tub of cookie dough and enjoy making a couple of fresh baked cookies at night from time to time) Well then it happened... that was a flash of light and a loud crack... Basically lightening struck near us... somewhere. It scared the bageezes (sp?) out of me... and Bozley... that poor dog was scared the rest of the night. I've heard people talk about experiences before... and it was exactly how they described... I was suddenly awake after that!! Craziness!!


Angie said...

Scary! I don't think it stormed near us, or if it did I was sound asleep and didn't hear it.

Emily said...

I hate that! I've had a few scary moments when I lived at my parents' house. They've had 2 trees hit by's really loud!