Friday, April 10, 2009

New News

Well... Yesterday Chad had an appointment with a new neurosurgeon... After a morning spent on the phone getting our insurance information worked out... we finally got that sorted out (thank goodness!!!)

Chad found out that his surgery is scheduled for April 15... yep... that's right, next Wednesday!! I was really shocked by this date... I was guessing we would have a little more time to prepare... So the deal is Chad will be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday to do some pre-op stuff... then on Wednesday he will have surgery... incesion time of 11am... After that he will be pretty out of it and will be in the ICU that night and probably all of Thursday... as long as he is doing well he should be moved to a normal room after that...

It's just craziness... C-R-A-Z-I-N-E-S-S

So next week I will be working Monday and Tuesday, and I'll take off the rest of the week... that next Monday is my AWS day so I'll be back to work on Tuesday pending any unforeseen events.

A lot of people have been asking me how I've been doing... well... I'm scared... I'm nervous... and frankly I'm scared... I know that everything will go fine with him, but I'm still scared... I mean this is major major surgery... and I love Chad very much... This will be a very trying time for us... but I think in the end we will be stronger b/c of it.

Thank you everyone for the support, we both really appreciate it... It's situations like these that really show you how important your friends and family are and how awesome they can be to have around. We really appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts. Everyone has been truly amazing...

I promise to try to keep everyone posted on the going-ons of next week and following... This will probably be a good way of relying information... I know I'll be spending a lot of time in uncomfortable hospital chairs... but I should not be the one complaining!!

Alright, I feel like I'm totally just rambling now... so I'll wrap this up...

1 comment:

Emily said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you!