Monday, April 6, 2009

The Appointment

Last Friday Chad had his neurosurgery appointment... finally... His mom and step-dad came in for the appointment so all four of us went together. After waiting for about 3 hours in the waiting room (normally this would bother the crap out of me... but we were able to talk and it was more of family time than anything...)

So we were finally taken to a room to see a doctor... he came in pretty quickly and I immediately recognized him from the doctor we first spoke with in the ER. We had a lot of questions for him. He made it seem like this could be a more leisurely process... for Chad the next step would be to get an angiogram to check the vascular nature of the tumor and also how assessable it will be to surgeons. This way they can see how much of the tumor/cyst they can get safely. Then after they do that they would do surgery.

We got all of our questions answered and then the doctor said he would go grab some paperwork and be back... well we waited around for about 20-30 minutes before a different doctor came back... he made the situation seem a lot more critical. He told us that the mass was 6 cm in size and if they hadn't found it he would have started experiencing symptoms in 6 months to a year. ** (I'll get back to this in a second)

So the next step now was they are referring Chad to a different neurosurgeon (he has an appointment on Thursday) They are now wanting to get this tumor removed by the end of April. (C.R.A.Z.Y. I know) The surgery would take about 5-6 hours... and he would be in the hospital for about 5-7 days afterward... after brain surgery his brain will swell and there could be symptoms from that. Then he will be at home out of work for 2-3 weeks.

It's all quite crazy to me... I can't believe Chad is actually going to have brain surgery... he is taking it all really well... and we are ready for this to be over with...

**now my point from earlier... knowing Chad if he wouldn't have found out about this I know once he would have started to experience symptoms he would have waited longer than he should have to go to the doctor... more and more I believe this was meant to happen in some sort of way...

I love Chad so much... he is my everything... and it is very crazy that we have to go through this... I cannot believe it... I seriously think about it sometimes and it just seems so surreal. I'm so happy he is in my life and that I can be by his side while he has to go through this...

1 comment:

Angie said...

Wow. Well I think everything happens for a reason and that it's a blessing it was found hen it was. I will be praying for your fam that he will be ok.