Tuesday, April 28, 2015

14 Weeks

Originally written: April 20, 2015

How far along:  14 weeks; size of a lemon or my fist

New one for today, I wanted to give an update on my last doctor's appointment.  It was last Tuesday (April 14th).  It went well.  My doctor went over a lot of my test results from the first visit (all that blood!) and everything looks good although I guess my white blood cell count was high, although she said in pregnancy that's normal b/c my body has that foreign thing growing inside it.  I also found out my blood type - O+.  One thing I have not been doing or paying much attention to is my weight... why? I don't know but really I'm not.  I don't know how much I weighed before I got pregnant and I couldn't tell you how much I weighed at my last appointment even though I watched her take my weight.  My doctor said I have gained a pound, but that doesn't seem to bad to me.  After going over the tests and my random but not that exciting questions she checked for the heart beat.  It took her a couple of minutes to find it, but once she did it was going :)  this time it measured around 150 bpm (up from the first appointment at 140ish)  She also heard a kick on the Doppler how cool is that?  I thought I was going to have to give more blood (if you know me you know I hate needles) but luckily the test they have to redo (b/c they used the wrong vial last time) I put off until my next appointment since I may get a genic test done at that appointment and if so it would be only one needle poke instead of two (this appt and next).  Plus of course I'm going to put it off - Future Jenn's problem!  I got my next two appointments scheduled for May 15th and then June 12th for the big ultrasound!

How I'm feeling:  I'm feeling pretty good.  I still feel more tired than normal and maybe getting some headaches... but I'm not convinced the headaches are pregnancy related so much as they are spring pollen allergy related.

Worries/Fears:  Really I haven't been too worried about stuff... I mean sure when I think of all those decisions I could get panicky but I have that under control... one step at a time!

Miss anything: Probably still the eating thing... maybe a bit of the drinking thing... but more so eating how I want to eat when I want to eat... and instead of that normal hunger pains it's just an annoying stomach ache that's I know means I need to eat but doesn't really feel like I want to eat if that makes any sense.

Movement:  For a split second while waiting in the doctor's office I thought I felt something... probably gas, but that's what I heard it can feel like, but it was gone pretty fast after that and hasn't happened since so I doubt it was really anything considering that would be like really early and all.

Food cravings:  I've also felt like the cravings would hit like I need this now... and so far nothing has been need it now.

Food aversions: Super sweet things haven't been sounding the greatest and sometimes just heavy food like meat... so about the same

Other symptoms:  I thought I'd talk about sleep down here which is good, I'm still sleeping on my stomach at points every night.  Only makes my boobs sore and I figure the time is going to come where I'm not able to sleep on my stomach.  Also I'm up about once a night to pee (usually in the early morning hours)

Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button:  Nothing yet just feeling pudgy again... where I'm not sure if this is a bump developing or just the fat I had before.

What I'm looking forward to:  Telling my coworkers this week so I can finally have it all out there

Best moment of this week:  The doctor's appointment was pretty nice but talked about that above.

Had a nice weekend.  Friday I cleaned the kitchen pretty well and then when Dan got home we went someplace for apps (Beerhouse at River City).  I watched the Amazing Race and the Cardinals game.

Saturday I went to the grocery store early, made us breakfast.  Then cleaned the bathroom pretty well (side note but for guys is it really hard to aim your pee?).  I made a Butterfinger cake for Dan - which to me is just a Better than Sex Cake with Butterfinger instead of Heath.  Kyle came over and we watched the Blues game, ate snacks and burgers.  After he left I laid around but didn't take a nap.  That night Dan decided to go out to dinner with friends and I stayed in and watched Maleficent. 

Sunday I did my grocery shopping early and met up with my mom.  We went out and visited my Grandma but on the way stopped at Joann to look at paint for the alphabet letters and picked some!  Of course didn't have duplicates of some colors so we stopped at another Joann's later but still are missing one.  Seeing Grandma was nice, we had late breakfast at IHOP and ended up staying there awhile b/c it was pouring rain.  Headed home and that night I watched TV started my laundry and headed to bed early.  Overall a nice weekend!

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