How far along: 11 weeks; size of a fig or lime
How I'm feeling: Still feeling mostly good, although afternoons/evenings can be rough... I tend to feel sick and just ready to go to bed and recharge for the next day.
Worries/Fears: Wanting everything to be going good for the baby... although I will admit this fear subsides a little bit every week
Miss anything: I missed not being able to partake in alcohol at my cousin's wedding, but no one seemed to be getting real drunk so maybe it was all for the best. I also miss just feeling hungry instead of that nauseous feeling where I know that means I'm hungry... or at least should eat.
Movement: Nothing yet... this probably won't change for quite awhile yet
Food cravings: Nothing in particular... I think it will be fun to have one... maybe I'll regret saying that
Food aversions: Nothing is standing out, but there are times when I know I don't want something heavy or super dairy-y
Other symptoms: I'm still kinda constipated... blah... luckily it's not bothering me too much it's mostly I'm like man I should be able to go like that more often...
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: I don't have to be in maturity clothes, but I did buy a shirt and wear it to my family pictures this past weekend. I mostly bought that one so I knew I could wear it for awhile longer whereas the other shirt I was considering wouldn't probably last as long. Also, I'm very lucky and thankful that my friend gave me two big bags of maternity clothes, so at least I'm not starting from scratch in that department.
What I'm looking forward to: I'm looking forward to Dan's family finding out on Sunday (even though I won't be there to share in it)... I'm also looking forward to this weekend with only minimal plans where I can relax more... maybe get some stuff done around the house.
Best moment of this week: There were a lot of good moments this past week. I turned 31 on Friday and had a great birthday. It started out with breakfast on Friday with my mom, sister and brother. Where we told Keith he was going to be an uncle. We decided to do it in a fun way, because - why not? We planned this ruse where I decorated the back of a puzzle. I then gave the puzzle to my mom where she wrapped it up like it was a birthday gift for me. So I opened it and acted surprised and we all put the puzzle together. I made Keith flip it over, and then it fell apart, and we put it back together and it said "Keith, get ready, you're becoming an uncle in October" he was really surprised and it was a lot of fun!
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Lindsey wanted a puzzle too - sorry it's turned sideways |
Then I met up with Susan and got mani/pedis, when to lunch at CPK and walked around the mall. It was really nice hanging out even though I didn't buy anything.
That night I met up with Dad, Janet, Connor, and Keith (with Dan) and we had birthday dinner at Pi... it was so yummy... we got dessert also which was gooey butter cake ice cream and apple pie and it was so so good!
Dan even surprised me with actual birthday gifts - a necklace, bracelet and new pair of Toms! They were wrapped and everything!
Saturday was mostly relaxing and then we went to my cousin's wedding. We let the news of the baby spread and overall it was a really nice wedding. We had a good time although I didn't get to eat until like 8pm... ugh! After the wedding we went to ITAP with Ben, Cherrelle and Connor... which was nice to hang out, even though I wasn't able to drink (cue the sad trombone)
On Sunday we had family pictures with Mom's side... they went really well (even though it was cold and windy) and Kyle (our photographer) helped share the news with the entire family that Dan and I are expecting. It was a lot of fun. We had lunch together and around this time I was feeling REALLY worn out from the weekend... I crashed hard in bed... and willed myself to get back up so I didn't sleep from like 4 to the next day... but it ended up being a bit hard to fall back asleep... of course. Overall it was a really nice, full weekend filled with family!
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