Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekend in Review: Hodge Podge

Another weekend come and gone...

This weekend was a longer since I called in sick on Thursday.  I had just been feeling off for a week and combined with some other stuff I just felt like a day off might be what I needed to snap me out of the funk I was so obviously in.  Reporting to you on Wednesday (nearly a week later) I am feeling much more myself!

I didn't do a whole lot on Thursday and I told myself that was ok... that I was home just to relax... so that's what I did.

Fridays have seemed to turn into a sister day of sorts.  You might remember that a couple of weeks ago Lindsey and I went thrift store shopping.  On Friday this time we went to lunch at one of our favorite Thai places - King and I.  It was great because they have a lunch special we didn't even know about which made things even better!

After lunch we ended up going to Michaels together.  I was going to go there after I dropped her back off at the house, but turns out she needed to go there as well.  So craft store we went!  She had to get some picture frames for some paintings the apes did for her at the zoo.  I needed to go to get supplies to complete the baby book I made for Susan.  It was fun hanging out - as always!!

That afternoon I went back to my house and cleaned.  I also started to work on the baby book.  I made her a baby book the last time she was pregnant. (As a side note I totally looking for that entry so I could remember some about how I did it last time and of course I couldn't find it!!  Now I located the entry, and it did have some valuable information in there I would have appreciated... like using glue squares instead of a glue stick... that would have made things soooo much easier!!)  It worked pretty well - it's nice the PowerPoint file was already complete so I just had to do some tweaking and print it out.  I ended up completing the book by Sunday evening.  I forgot to take a picture, but maybe Susan will... if not, it looks pretty much like the one in the link above.  I gave it to her yesterday and she loved it :).  She requested me to make one (before she knew I made the baby blanket) and since it's so easy and meant so much I of course said yes :)

Anyway... back to the weekend... On Friday night Dan and I went over to Dave's house.  This seems to be becoming a bit of a weekly thing.  It was fun... we played a little poker... good times.

On Saturday I hung out with my mom and sister most of the day.  We first went to Vintage Market Days.  I had bought a LivingSocial deal for it - but didn't really know what it was.  It ended up being like a bunch of different antique mall booths... kinda... there was also some crafts.  There was a lot of furniture... furniture I really liked but just is out of my price range at the moment... plus not really having a way of hauling the furniture... but it was fun to look! 

We then headed out to visit my grandma and aunt.  We went to lunch and then impromptu-ly went second hand shop browsing.  You can read about things I got in my last post.  I really enjoyed spending the time with the girls.

After our adventure I came home and there were people at my house.  Dan was making ribs and they were delicious.  We hung out at the house for awhile, but ended up going over to Andy's for a bit.  I headed home on the early side, but whatever.

On Sunday it was a relaxing day.  I made some chili and went grocery shopping.  Mostly I just relaxed though and worked on the baby book.  Sunday night we rented a Redbox movie - Identity Thief (it was ok) and went to bed.  Nice weekend indeed.

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