Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fantasy Survivor Blood vs. Water

Can you believe that Survivor starts back up again tomorrow night?  I know I'm excited!!  Survivor is one of my favorite shows on television and the fact that Michelle and I are continuing our fantasy teams... well that just makes it all the better!

I will say that I hope this season isn't jumping the shark.  They are having what I think is a very complicated game this season.  I'm not sure if you are interested - but you can check out all the twists here.  Hopefully once the season starts it will get easier to follow... but who knows!  With any reality show it could just unfold in so many different ways.  Add in all those twists and really it's hard to make decisions about the show.

I've mentioned this before... it's just us doing it so we decide how we are going to pick in the beginning... whatever makes the most sense for the show.  For Survivor this season the premise is Blood vs. Water.  Which means half the people out there are returning players and they each brought a loved one on the show.  They will be separated into two tribes - returning players on one and the loved ones on the other.  However, they are still linked to their loved one as they can 'save' them during redemption island challenges (ugh... redemption island is back and can't say I'm happy about it)  So it's strange... you're still somewhat linked to your loved one BUT they are on opposite tribes.

Knowing all of that we just decided to pick pairs of loved ones.  Is this the best strategy?  Nah, probably not, but whatever, it made sense and we both agreed to it.

She won the rock, paper, scissors match (I think she has me beat on RPS)... Michelle chose Monica and Brad (he was the quarter back on a team she liked back in the day), Vytas and Aras (Aras has previously won Survivor), Laura and Rupert (he's back!), Kat and Hayden (she's dumb and he won Big Brother), and Colton and Caleb (supposedly Colton has changed but we'll see... and apparently Caleb is lovable hmm)

Candice and John (married):  I picked them b/c it was good to have an athletic couple that included a boy and a girl... idk, just a gut pick

Gervase and Marissa (uncle and niece):   He was on the very first season of Survivor.  I remember him being likable and I think that she has a good shot of being good too.

Tyson and Rachel (dating):  I'm not so sure about her... but I've always liked Tyson.  He comes off as a 'villian' but whatever... I enjoy him and I remember him being funny.  Probably won't win, but whatever at least he should be enjoyable to watch.

Katie and Tina (mother and daughter):  Tina won her season (waaaay back on season 2).  She's a likable person, but I'm not really sure how long she will last.
Laura and Ciera (mother and daughter):  Honestly, this is who I was left with since Michelle got to pick first... neither of us wanted to pick them since they are pretty conservative and against gay rights.  But past political views... they just don't feel like a team that can win it in my opinion.  But someone had to get stuck with the bad team right? haha 

Overall I can't wait for the season to start!!  I love our reality show picks!!

1 comment:

dsdddwddgdd said...

i'm not sure at all that i like this development. but, since i've watched since the very first season, i'm quite sure i won't stop now. you always know SO much more than i do; i just benignly watch.