Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas

My Christmas isn't completely over yet... I still have one more celebration on Sunday, the first.  But I wanted to follow up yesterday's post with something happy.

Christmas was wonderful this year.  Like I said before, it was kinda nice to only have to worry about myself and not manage a whole other family that seemingly makes me feel guilty that I need to go there and do things with them... This year we started at my dad's family (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandpa).  We played rob your neighbor and I ended up with some pretty sweet Cardinals World Series floor mats.

That night we headed out to my aunt's house were we celebrate with my mom's family (aunts, uncle, cousins, grandma).  As I told you previously, we watch A Christmas Story each year... this year my brother, sister, and I all wore our Christmas Story t-shirts.
Don't we look festive?!?

After the movie we opened up gifts... I got some clothes including a new dress and workout outfit (maybe I'll be motivated to actually work out??) and I got a silverware set as well as the traditional pajamas.  During the rob your neighbor exchange I got a Cardinals travel mug.

We left my aunt's house super late and it was nearly 1am when we got home.  The next morning we opened up gifts.  Everyone seemed to like what I got them.  I got a ton of stuff including dresses, other clothes, shoes and other stuff... I felt so loved.  After opening gifts and stockings we made and ate our traditional breakfast.

After breakfast, we started to play board game after board game... this lasted for the next almost 12 hours.  We played Word on the Street, Quirkle, Cranium Wow, Bezzerwizzer, Scattergories Categories, Yahtzee, Whoonu, Buzz Word, Scattergories, and Dicecapades.  It was quite the day!!

I also had the next two days off work... so Monday, we did a happy hour sort of thing at the 1904 Beerhouse at River City and on Tuesday I went wedding gown shopping with my great friend Liz.  Overall, it was a wonderful Christmas break... and I'm not even finished yet!

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