I'm not sure I've posted anything about Christmas yet (other than my list) which is crazy considering Christmas is my very favorite time of the year. So here are some Christmas topics...
1) Decorations are up... I find myself staring at the Christmas tree... or my snow globe snowman...
2) Rowdy peed on the Christmas tree... he just walked by, lifted up his leg and peed... yes... I get that he was just "marking his territory" but seriously?!? It's a fake tree peeps... silly male dog.
3) I absolutely LOVE wrapping gifts. It's one of my favorite things to do at Christmas. I have a whole set up and packages aren't complete without a bow. And there's finally presents under the tree which just completes that picture... and I'm done!! Pending one gift that's still on the way.
4) I baked cookies this weekend... I'll share in a different post.
5) Our shopping is finished... yay!!
6) I still want to get a 2009 ornament and a one for each animal...
7) I'm going to actually send out some Christmas cards... I only ordered 20 so the list is pretty small but I'm happy we're finally sending some out.
8) I've gotten so many awesome gifts at work... people here are so sweet. I got 2 bags of home-made cookies, a stocking with my name filled with candy, a candy jar with a J filled with puppy chow, a bag with candy, a lotto ticket, and pretzels, a gift card to Steak n Shake, a keychain with my name from Chicago, Bath and Body Works foaming soap, and finally a luggage tag with a J.
Again Chad and my Christmas schedule works out perfectly. I love the fact Christmas is on a Friday this year. (and a special thank you to President Obama for letting Christmas Eve be a half day) Here's our schedule:
Christmas Eve Night: We'll be headed to my aunt's for my mom's family's celebration. I love this b/c we eat (I arrange the cheese and sausage on a platter) then watch a Christmas Story (best Christmas movie!!!!) and then open presents and play rob your neighbor.
Christmas Morning: This year is the first year we have nothing planned for Christmas morning. Chad and I are going to do our own morning gift exchange (so excited) and then we'll head down for...
Christmas Day: Chad's grandparents house for his family's celebration. Obviously this is the newest tradition for me and it's such a great addition... it's low key but a lot of fun. We also might go to my Dad's family's celebration, but I'm not sure if we'll make it or not...
Day After Christmas: We're going over to my mom's house in the morning for "Christmas Morning" after we open gifts (which we do one at a time including stocking stuffers to extend the celebration) we eat a big breakfast and then play board games. (my mom has always gotten each kid a board game for Christmas.)
A week later: We'll do my Dad's Christmas... last year everyone brought a party foods which was a lot of fun - it will be a very nice way to wrap up the Christmas season... we do a Secret Santa gift exchange between the kids and each have a "Santa" gift.