Monday, December 28, 2009

New Decade

I keep forgetting that in a few short days we'll be entering a new decade. I cannot believe how fast time goes sometimes... I mean I remember Y2K and now we are about to enter 2010. So here's a quick recap on the last 10 years.

2000 - I was in high school... Sophomore/Junior year... I became a "full time" jumper on the track team. I also turned 16 and got my driver's license.

2001 - Still in high school, Junior/Senior year. Started to apply for college in the fall. Sadly, this is also the year we lost my Grandpa... I still miss him so much.

2002 - Graduated from high school. I also started at Truman State University. College was an adjustment. I also had my first real boyfriend. I got my bellybutton pierced.

2003 - Still in college, moved in that fall with a person I don't speak of these days, but had I not met her I would not have met my college friends.

2004 - Changed my major in college to business... Worked my first summer at the Arch. Moved in with a close friend into the apartment. Started dating my college boyfriend. I got my first tattoo.

2005 - Still in college... adopted Pretty Kitty. I turned 21. Worked my second summer at the Arch. Moved in with a boy (who was NOT my boyfriend.)

2006 - Graduated from college, re-met my future husband, Cardinals won the World Series, got my first "real" job. Bought my first brand new car.

2007 - Adopted Stitch. Moved into a house with Chad. Got engaged. Went to Cedar Point. Witnessed my best friend give birth to her daughter. Broke my leg.

2008 - Planned a wedding, adopted Bozley, bought a truck, oh and what else... oh yeah GOT MARRIED!! to the amazing Chad and went to North Carolina.

2009 - Adopted Rowdy, Chad's wreck and subsequent surgery, got a new job at a great place and all things that come with...

Here's to the next 10 year... tune in for a post specifically for 2009.

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