Here's something I don't think I've blogged about...
I am a member of a softball team... That's right... me, Jenn is playing softball this summer... Okay... that's partially a lie... tonight is the first full game I've actually played... I played half of one game before we got chased off the field by a bunch of 11 year old girls (headed by their over-enthusiastic asshole of a coach)... we haven't been able to play any games through end of May into June where it rained every Tuesday, thus not being able to play...
This team is a coed work team... We are the Chuckers
Anyway... Tonight was my first full game. I've been really nervous... but it ended up being a lot of fun... we had really nice weather (especially compared to last week). But I played the entire game... I didn't strike out at all... I *almost* made a pretty cool catch... in the end it was a lot of fun to get out and play.
Maybe I'll actually show up to the rest of the game ;)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A few weeks ago I was pretend shopping... this is something I do to try to trick myself into believing I'm actually shopping. The other week I happened to be doing this on Victoria's Secret dot com. When I stumbled onto the fact that VS sells FitFlops.
Now FitFlops were brought to my attention a couple of months ago. You can read about them on their website above.
One of the things that FitFlops claims is they are specially designed to work out your calves, thighs, and butt while you walk. I don't really believe that shoes will tone my butt or anything... so please don't think I bought them for an "easy" work out.
So why did I buy them? Well look at them... they look like one dang comfortable flip flop. I waste money each year on flip flops that just end up hurting my feet... these looked super comfy and quality made.
VS had them backordered until the end of June... so last Friday they came. I was so happy... they fit good (I normally wear a 9.5 but I ordered a 9 and they fit great) I was super happy with my purchase... while they do give some height, I feel like I could walk long distances in them and be good.
I ended up taking them off where I take off all of my shoes... the dogs have NOT been chewing on my shoes for awhile now, so I didn't even second guess it (maybe you see where this is going...)
About 2 hours after they came Chad asked me why one of my shoes was in the middle of the floor, he picked it up and there on my brand new, less than 2 hour owning shoe one of the dogs had chewed the strap...
I was livid!! The dogs (by this I mean Bozley) only chews on my new expensive shoes!!! (I don't normally spend much on shoes)
Well Chad playing peacemaker between me and my hatred for the dogs offers to stitch them up... I really didn't think that he would be able to, but he did a very good job. He even said that if it doesn't hold up I can get a new pair (or is there anywhere I can buy just one shoe?!?)
It's now Tuesday and I've worn them everyday since I got them and the stitching is holding up very well. My feet feel great, they don't cause any pain... I can't attest to a slimmer butt, but if that happens... well it's just an added benefit.
I'm very happy about putting my stamp of approval on these bad boys.
Now FitFlops were brought to my attention a couple of months ago. You can read about them on their website above.
One of the things that FitFlops claims is they are specially designed to work out your calves, thighs, and butt while you walk. I don't really believe that shoes will tone my butt or anything... so please don't think I bought them for an "easy" work out.
So why did I buy them? Well look at them... they look like one dang comfortable flip flop. I waste money each year on flip flops that just end up hurting my feet... these looked super comfy and quality made.
VS had them backordered until the end of June... so last Friday they came. I was so happy... they fit good (I normally wear a 9.5 but I ordered a 9 and they fit great) I was super happy with my purchase... while they do give some height, I feel like I could walk long distances in them and be good.
I ended up taking them off where I take off all of my shoes... the dogs have NOT been chewing on my shoes for awhile now, so I didn't even second guess it (maybe you see where this is going...)
About 2 hours after they came Chad asked me why one of my shoes was in the middle of the floor, he picked it up and there on my brand new, less than 2 hour owning shoe one of the dogs had chewed the strap...
I was livid!! The dogs (by this I mean Bozley) only chews on my new expensive shoes!!! (I don't normally spend much on shoes)
Well Chad playing peacemaker between me and my hatred for the dogs offers to stitch them up... I really didn't think that he would be able to, but he did a very good job. He even said that if it doesn't hold up I can get a new pair (or is there anywhere I can buy just one shoe?!?)
It's now Tuesday and I've worn them everyday since I got them and the stitching is holding up very well. My feet feel great, they don't cause any pain... I can't attest to a slimmer butt, but if that happens... well it's just an added benefit.
I'm very happy about putting my stamp of approval on these bad boys.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Family Reunion
I am really behind on posting this, but since I was in Denver last week I really didn't get a chance to post this until now...
A couple of weekends ago was my dad's side's family reunion. I haven't been in years, but always had a good time when we went as a kid... I know nothing is ever the same as how you remember it, but it was still a really good weekend. It was fun to show Chad something from my childhood. The reunion is at Meramac Springs Park. It's a very pretty park... and Saturday was a beautiful day to be outside.
Here are some pictures...
Chad playing fetch with Rowdy

My brother Keith and me
My cousin's baby, Abby

A pretty view of the spring... the water is so pretty
Chad and I enjoying the water and the fish... R-diddy will not get that close to the water, he's so scared!!
At the park they have a trout hatchery... here are the baby trout, you can feed the fish and they really go at it to get the food
Here's a nature shot, there are some very pretty waterfalls
Since it's a spring the water is so freaking cold... but feels good on a hot day
Chad and I at the scenic overlook... he wouldn't go close to the edge

We took the 'historic drive' which I've never done!! In all the times I've been to that park I've never done this... here's a really old cemetery, I got out and looked around (Chad wouldn't for some reason) and some of the stones were dated in the 1860s!!
I really like this picture of Chad... we were over looking the old ore mine

This would be a really cute picture if that were actually me and Chad down there, but it's not... you do get a good idea of the size of things though
A couple of weekends ago was my dad's side's family reunion. I haven't been in years, but always had a good time when we went as a kid... I know nothing is ever the same as how you remember it, but it was still a really good weekend. It was fun to show Chad something from my childhood. The reunion is at Meramac Springs Park. It's a very pretty park... and Saturday was a beautiful day to be outside.
Here are some pictures...
Chad playing fetch with Rowdy
My brother Keith and me
A pretty view of the spring... the water is so pretty
Chad and I enjoying the water and the fish... R-diddy will not get that close to the water, he's so scared!!
At the park they have a trout hatchery... here are the baby trout, you can feed the fish and they really go at it to get the food
Here's a nature shot, there are some very pretty waterfalls
Since it's a spring the water is so freaking cold... but feels good on a hot day
We took the 'historic drive' which I've never done!! In all the times I've been to that park I've never done this... here's a really old cemetery, I got out and looked around (Chad wouldn't for some reason) and some of the stones were dated in the 1860s!!
This would be a really cute picture if that were actually me and Chad down there, but it's not... you do get a good idea of the size of things though
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Is it yes or no...
Okay... maybe I spoke too soon
B/c when I got to work this morning I had an email informing me not to make travel plans yet as I might not be able to go now...
I'll be sure to keep you posted.
B/c when I got to work this morning I had an email informing me not to make travel plans yet as I might not be able to go now...
I'll be sure to keep you posted.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
So Excited!!
You may remember this post...
Well I wanted to give you a little update...
I get to go now!!
That's right... I'm going to Baltimore!! I get to go to the big conference... I am so excited!!
It's a huge conference and I'll get experience it... and some really cool people are going too... I'm excited... like for real!!
In other work related news I'm leaving for my first national conference in Denver on Monday... nervous but excited too.
Well I wanted to give you a little update...
I get to go now!!
That's right... I'm going to Baltimore!! I get to go to the big conference... I am so excited!!
It's a huge conference and I'll get experience it... and some really cool people are going too... I'm excited... like for real!!
In other work related news I'm leaving for my first national conference in Denver on Monday... nervous but excited too.
Rainy Night
I ab-so-freaking-lutly LOVE storms... I love listening to the rain and especially thunder (especially the loud unexpected thunder)... it's so soothing... it's not something you get to do all that often... I don't like being out in storm, but I love being home, in my pjs, and it storming... I really love Chad being home with me... I also really love waking up to a storm...
Now with that said...
I ab-so-freaking-lutly HATE local news coverage of storms... I hate the stupid scroll at the bottom, I hate the map that takes up a corner of the screen... and what I hate the most is when they cut into the show I'm watching... I'm sorry, but I wish they would do it at freaking commercial break... Tonight I was watching a repeat of ANTM and they cut in during the photo reviews... my favorite part... once when I was watching Survivor (one of my favorite shows on TV) they cut in right before tribal council... come on... seriously... this is one of my pet peeves...
Now with that said...
I ab-so-freaking-lutly HATE local news coverage of storms... I hate the stupid scroll at the bottom, I hate the map that takes up a corner of the screen... and what I hate the most is when they cut into the show I'm watching... I'm sorry, but I wish they would do it at freaking commercial break... Tonight I was watching a repeat of ANTM and they cut in during the photo reviews... my favorite part... once when I was watching Survivor (one of my favorite shows on TV) they cut in right before tribal council... come on... seriously... this is one of my pet peeves...
Friday, June 5, 2009
I can't contain myself any longer
I am excited... very excited... so excited that if I think about it for too long I get sad that the day is not here yet...
We have been keeping a secret... I'm not really sure why... but we have...
and no... we are NOT PREGNANT (hopefully you weren't thinking that anyway... you should know us better!!)
About a four to five weeks ago we bought new furniture... that's right... no more craptastic furniture in the living room!!
We bought an awesome sectional couch from American. We weren't planning on buying anything that day, but we walked in... and there it was... the couch Chad and I have been picturing in our minds... it was sitting there... speaking to us... it is perfect...
American was running a sale that for every $600 you spent on furniture you get another $300 of furniture free... So with our free money we got an entertainment center (no more two end tables pushed together!!) and a cool lamp and another lamp for the bedroom.
I cannot wait for it all to arrive!! I think/hope/pray it will only be a couple more weeks.
We will still need a new coffee table and possibly an end table... we would have used some of our extra money to buy that, however we don't know if there will be room for an end table. So we are going to wait until the furniture is in the room and then see what we want.
I'll need to get a new rug as well... but then we'll have the "adult" room like I want... so!freaking!happy!
We have been keeping a secret... I'm not really sure why... but we have...
and no... we are NOT PREGNANT (hopefully you weren't thinking that anyway... you should know us better!!)
About a four to five weeks ago we bought new furniture... that's right... no more craptastic furniture in the living room!!
We bought an awesome sectional couch from American. We weren't planning on buying anything that day, but we walked in... and there it was... the couch Chad and I have been picturing in our minds... it was sitting there... speaking to us... it is perfect...
American was running a sale that for every $600 you spent on furniture you get another $300 of furniture free... So with our free money we got an entertainment center (no more two end tables pushed together!!) and a cool lamp and another lamp for the bedroom.
I cannot wait for it all to arrive!! I think/hope/pray it will only be a couple more weeks.
We will still need a new coffee table and possibly an end table... we would have used some of our extra money to buy that, however we don't know if there will be room for an end table. So we are going to wait until the furniture is in the room and then see what we want.
I'll need to get a new rug as well... but then we'll have the "adult" room like I want... so!freaking!happy!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Guilty Pleasure
Okay.................... I'll admit it................ I watch The Hills.
I know.......... I know......... but I enjoy it for some reason....
Hello, I'm Jenn and I watch The Hills
Recently I watched an episode from the first season. I always knew that Heidi had changed appearances and totally got a boob job... however until I watched that episode I didn't realize how much.
Here is a picture from the first season.
Here's a current picture...

I understand this is at an event... however this is pretty much what she looks like on any given episode of The Hills... (yes I know it's not really real, so don't forget that) I'm sorry... but I refuse to believe that you hang around the apartment looking like these... you do a reality TV show... maybe you should make it appear like reality... just saying
Tonight I happened to turn on 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' on NBC and who happened to be on it? None other than Heidi and Spencer...
Now... how much more normal, real, and better does she looks without makeup... seriously
I spent enough time on this Heidi blog...
Another guilty please... Paris Hilton's My New BFF
I know.......... I know......... but I enjoy it for some reason....
Hello, I'm Jenn and I watch The Hills
Recently I watched an episode from the first season. I always knew that Heidi had changed appearances and totally got a boob job... however until I watched that episode I didn't realize how much.
Here is a picture from the first season.

I understand this is at an event... however this is pretty much what she looks like on any given episode of The Hills... (yes I know it's not really real, so don't forget that) I'm sorry... but I refuse to believe that you hang around the apartment looking like these... you do a reality TV show... maybe you should make it appear like reality... just saying
Tonight I happened to turn on 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' on NBC and who happened to be on it? None other than Heidi and Spencer...
I spent enough time on this Heidi blog...
Another guilty please... Paris Hilton's My New BFF
Monday, June 1, 2009
Why is it...
Why is it that when you have to get up early the next morning you can't fall asleep?
I have to be at SLU tomorrow at 6:15 am... which means I have to leave here by 5:45 at the latest... I don't spend that much time in the morning getting ready so that means I need to be up by 5:30 at the latest...
I haven't been up that early is a very long time!!
I was really hoping to be asleep by now, but atlas I am not... I am so not asleep that I went and grabbed my laptop from the other room and decided to write this very blog.
Sweet Dreams everyone I'm going to try to get some sleep... but I will probably still be awake... b/c that's so how it always goes!!
I have to be at SLU tomorrow at 6:15 am... which means I have to leave here by 5:45 at the latest... I don't spend that much time in the morning getting ready so that means I need to be up by 5:30 at the latest...
I haven't been up that early is a very long time!!
I was really hoping to be asleep by now, but atlas I am not... I am so not asleep that I went and grabbed my laptop from the other room and decided to write this very blog.
Sweet Dreams everyone I'm going to try to get some sleep... but I will probably still be awake... b/c that's so how it always goes!!
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