How I'm feeling: Still good, no real complaints
Sleep: Same as previous weeks - sleep is good... although rolling over seems like a workout sometimes. Also, I find myself waking up on my back a lot... I'm going to get a second pillow to prop myself up when I want to sleep on my back - doctor said that was better.
Worries/Fears: That whole having to keep another person alive and well thing... but we'll cross that bridge soon enough
Miss anything: Not really, so far I haven't minded so much being pregnant... maybe bending normally and sleeping on my stomach
Movement: Baby has been moving and the kicks are becoming stronger... it's fun
Food cravings: Nothing
Food aversions: Again, nothing
Other symptoms: The acne has gotten worse... I've never been a good face washer... but lately I've been trying to be better about it, but still getting breakouts. I pee pretty often too. My back gets sore at times. I'm emotional and weepy... I've always been an emotional type of person, but lately I know things are worse... especially when I start crying it's harder to stop... ugh! These are all minor things, but there they are.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: Maternity clothes of course, other stuff no comments... I read somewhere that my belly button would pop at some point, but I think I have a pretty deep belly button b/c so far it doesn't even seem close to that.
What I'm looking forward to: Moving forward on all the baby-to-dos... and also Fourth of July weekend!
Best moment of this week: I was happy to get back to work and get caught up on things. It's weird to say that, but it's true. The weekend was nice and low-key. I'm so close to being finished with the cross-stitch I've been working on so I can move onto the one for the baby's room. I had a good breakfast with my dad on Sunday and they brought me the cutest Cardinals baby outfit. Janet even told me it was my dad's idea. Another thing I thought was sweet is I bought up the SUA thing, and my dad told me something he read about it online... which means he looked it up online which felt really sweet to me.
The Bump: It's a growing :)
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