Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 22 and 23

I really didn't want to combine weeks but with vacation and playing catch up when I got back these weeks are just combines b/c I think I'd have a hard time separating them in my mind.

How far along:  22 weeks; the size of a spaghetti squash and 23 weeks; size of mango

How I'm feeling:  Still good, no real complaints

Sleep:  Is good, I love my sleep.  The body pillow helps quite a bit.

Worries/Fears:  The SUA thing is on my mind, but really not that much... more the having a newborn in not that many months...

Miss anything: Nope, I'm good... although I took a drink of a Red Bull, and boy did that taste good... plus on the beach it would have been fun to have a frozen adult beverage... but all-in-all not missing much

Movement:  Baby is ramping up his movement... I feel him a lot more, especially when I'm sitting.

Food cravings:  Nothing

Food aversions: Again, nothing

Other symptoms:  I burnt my feet in the sun and by the end of the next day I had a really fat foot... it hurt to even walk on, but after elevated it and taking some Tylenol it felt so much better.  Another thing I've been getting time to time is throbbing pain in my forearm.  I mentioned this to my mom and she brought up that it might be carpal tunnel... I didn't think of that since I thought that would be more in my wrists than my forearm, but I think it's a possibility.  I've been trying to sleep with my wrists straight instead of curled up... hopefully it helps.  I considered getting braces too, but so far haven't done that.

Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button:  Maternity clothes of course, other stuff no comments... I will say that I've heard the belly can get itchy, and so far my skin has been staying pretty moisturized.

What I'm looking forward to: Getting caught up and moving forward with my baby to-do list

Best moment of this week:  Vacation was so nice - it was great to relax and be around family all week long.  I worked on my cross-stitch and hope it's done soon so I can start on the new one I bought.  Seeing the baby at the ultrasound was pretty amazing too.

The Bump:  You only get a 22 week bump this time, since it's already Thursday I'll take my 24 week pic on Monday and then be back on track.
At the beach no bathroom this week :)

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