My weekend started out by going to the dentist. It may surprise you to hear that going to the dentist does not bother me. Normally shots of any time - terrify me and I faint, when the dentist gives me a shot - doesn't bother me at all. I don't know what it is... but the dentist is not a place I get nervous of anxious... I just lay back and hope for the best. Which this time was good! I have no cavities or any places he is concerned about - holla!!
On Friday I headed over to Dan's place - then we did some running around and ended up at Hot Shots in Fenton where we drank some pitchers, ordered some food and played some darts. My cousins and their friend showed up for awhile. I really do love Hot Shots.
On Saturday we went over to Art on the Square in Belleville. I've always heard that this was a great art show - and it really was. There were so many interesting pieces there. A lot of stuff was expensive, but fun to look at. It was also really hot... and I got a sunburn (first of the year)... but oh well, it was fun seeing what they had.
Here's some things I saw that I liked - from their websites
Tattoo Dreams - reminded me of Day of the Dead or New Orleans in a way - I liked the symbols and bright colors.

David Bjurstrom - I loved this guy - his drawings were all graphite pencil and amazing. While horses really aren't my thing - his tree drawings were amazing.

Wayne Trinklein - This guy made some amazing tree sculptures (I'm a sucker for trees I guess) - they were stunning... if only I had the money... and the place to put it.

There were some more - but I'm having trouble matching them to what's on their website. I really liked this one that were big outdoor sculptures that moved with bright colored glass and such - I'm pretty sure it's this guy - they were awesome!
After we were sufficiently hot and sun burnt we leave and on the way home randomly decided to stop by the Science Center and see Air Racers in the Omnimax.
Looks like it would be pretty cool huh? Honestly, it was a bit of a let down and I wouldn't spend $9 a ticket on it.
We went back to Dan's place where I proceeded to take a nap - the sun really takes it out of me... but soon got up and headed over to my cousin's place so we could watch the Nascar all star race or something... We also got to sit outside for awhile which was really nice... the weather in the evenings is so great for that!
The weirdest thing there was I got out of my car and locked it like I normally do. When I got into the house I walked downstairs and sat on the couch and put my purse down. A bit later Dan went up to Little Cesar's to get a pizza... so I went downstairs grabbed my keys and noticed that one of my key rings was all stretched out. I handed the keys to Dan and he noticed that my key fob wasn't on there. I just figured it was in my purse.
A bit later I went to look for it and could not find it. It basically looked like the key fob had gotten caught on something and ripped off my key ring... but it seems like I would have felt something like that happen. We looked everywhere for it and could not find it. Dan thought up some pretty interesting stories of what happened (someone came in the house and only stole that... right... or Andy's keys ripped it off and were hiding it somewhere... also very likely... [note the sarcasm])
I was pretty weirded out that I we couldn't figure out what happened... but Dan assured me we could get a replacement and I figured at some point it would turn up. Two days later on Monday, Ashley (cousin's wife) texted me and said that a neighbor found it - hallelujah!) I'll just have to get it back from them at some point... still confuses me what actually happened, but glad to know it was found.
Sunday I didn't do much of anything... I don't make good pancakes (what's new?) and made sloppy joes which were good... that's about it... (oh and something else I'll put in a different post)
All-in-all a pretty nice weekend.
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