Saturday, April 13, 2013

Weekend(s) in Review - Catching Up

I haven't done one of these in awhile... but I broke down my DC trip into days which accounts for one weekend... so I'm only two behind - that doesn't seem so bad.

March 29-31

On Friday - I pretty much told you what happened in my birthday post about the birthday happy hour at Patrick's that I totally forgot to take pictures of...

That Saturday, my dad's family celebrated Easter at my aunt and uncle's house.  I hadn't been to a family celebration in awhile so it was nice to see everyone.  Dan came with me too, so he met a lot of people for the first time.  It was a good time, although I mostly hung out with the cousins.  My cousin Andy's kids were there and boy were they hopped up on some sugar - they had so. much. energy.

Saturday night we really didn't do anything, but that was totally fine with me.

Sunday we went over to Dan's family's Easter celebration.  This was my first time meeting his extended family.  We usually have family celebrations going on at the same time in two different directions so I would go to mine and he would go to his.  I decided to skip my mom's family's celebration this year since it's smaller and I had spent a lot of time with her during the DC trip.  It was nice to be able to meet all of his family and the food was good too.

After we ate I played some ping pong with some of his family.  I didn't completely and totally suck - so that was a win.  I will say I was much better at singles than doubles... I really couldn't get the whole switch with your partner never other shot thing down...

April 5-7

On Friday I hung around my house for awhile and watched some TV... it was nice having a lazy morning in bed.  Around lunchtime I headed up to Dan's and brought Pizza Hut.  I got their dinner box which is a medium pan pizza, bread sticks and cinnastix for $10.  I think that's a pretty great deal if you ask me.  Believe it or not, Dan can't get Pizza Hut delivered to his place (only Domino's and Papa Johns) so he misses getting it sometimes.

That night we decided to go to a bar to watch the Blues game.  We went to Bobby's Place which we've been to a couple of times before, but never to watch the Blues game.  It would have been a lot of fun I'm sure, but the service was terrible... so after just one beer and one period we went back to his apartment where we made dinner on the grill - brats, potatoes and asparagus - yum yum!

On Saturday, Dan, his friend Kyle and me when to the Art Fair at Queeny Park.  I had never been before but what I've seen online made it seem like more of an actual Air fair instead of crafty things and it totally was.  There was so much neat art there.  It was also really fun to go with two boys... typically it seems like something girls would do.  They were fun b/c they would talk to the different artists about how they did certain things, so I got a lot more info than normal.  Dan also talked to an artist who is going to do a commissioned piece for him.  Something he's been wanting for awhile.  Can't wait to see how it turns out!

We didn't get anything from the show but I almost got a print like this b/c I liked it so much.  Just stuck out to me and I loved how it felt like it was 3D.
John Booth - (maybe someone will get it for me someday)
Dan really liked a Ford photograph by Todd Shaak (and this guy talked to us for at least 20 minutes)

Some other artwork that stuck out to me was Peggy Aebi's paintings - so so vibrant and I'm still day dreaming about them.

We also really loved Elizabeth Conn's paper-mache sculptures.  Seriously, they were amazing, there's no way you could tell they were paper mache.  I would love to have one (not the one below, but she had some swirly ones... swoon).

I also really weirdly enjoyed Jay Thompson's Cat Works pictures.  They are famous pictures with cat heads.  It may sound stupid, but there's something funny about them - go check it out!

They will be having another Art Fair there at the end of August, and I'm planning on attending again.

Saturday night we went over to my cousin's place for some bbq and hanging out time.  We had a great time and it was really nice hanging out outside for awhile... plus the food was good!
I was trying to keep the kids from not running in front of the washers... we clapped a lot
Sunday, I went shopping with my mom, sister, grandma, and aunt for my birthday (which I talked about in that other post), it was a really really nice day!!

The whole weekend was wonderful, I love that the weather is getting nicer again and can be outside.  It just makes everything better!!

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