Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ragu Chili Mac and Rhubarb Pie - NEW RECIPES

I haven't done this in awhile - but I've tried a couple of new recipes in the last week or so.

First we tried Ragu Chili Mac. I've been seeing this advertised on tv... and if you know much about me you know I love chili... and especially chili mac... so I wanted to try it.

It was super easy to make and while the recipe only calls for one tablespoon of chili power, I probably put double that in.  I also added crushed red pepper because Dan and I like things spicy.

It mostly tasted like meaty pasta with a hint of chili, but I still liked it, and can't beat it being super easy... I might make it again.

The second new thing I made was a Rhubarb Pie.  I have never made a pie much less a rhubarb one so I googled it and ended up going with the first recipe from since it had a ton of great reviews.  I made this pie for Dan's 30th birthday since he's told me before he loves it.

I couldn't believe how easy it was.  Pretty much just dump everything in and let it cook.  I cut the rhubarb in about 1-2 inch pieces.  I probably should have gotten more rhubarb and Dan said maybe cut the pieces smaller next time (I really didn't know).  I also added an egg white wash to the top and sprinkled with white sugar - This made it look really good.
Ignore the crust in the bottom right... someone was eager to try it

It tasted really great!!  I wanted to get a picture of the inside, but I totally forgot.  I texted Dan the next day to get a picture, but he said he had eaten it all by then (he must have liked it!).  It was really tasty, I don't think I've ever had a straight rhubarb pie before (I've had strawberry rhubarb).  Rhubarb is a bit tart, so it was a tart pie, but mixed well with the sugar so it was a good kind of tart.

I thought it was strange in the recipe that you mix up the flour and sugar and then put a third of it on the bottom and then put in the chopped fruit and put the rest on top and close it off... one of the comments said don't mix it up b/c it makes the crust better, and that seemed to be correct.

It was sooo easy to make, and I figure since Dan likes it I'll make it again sometime.  Not sure it's as good as his Grandmas, but I think I did a good job!

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