Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pet Peeve

So I've refrained from talking about work on here... I just don't feel like the two should be mixing...

But... there's something that really bothers me... and it has to do with paper. I cannot stand that people will not refill the supply in the copy room. If you use the last of the paper you should walk your butt downstairs and refill the paper supply in the copy room. It's just a common courtesy... What bothers me even more is if you need paper and there's none in the copy room and people just walk downstairs and grab a couple of reams instead of bringing some boxes upstairs... I bet they really appreciate it when there's paper in there and each should take our turn to refill when necessary...

So here's my question... do I tell say something to everyone or just keep my mouth shut? I never know if it's my place or not...

1 comment:

Chris said...

Can you post a note by the copier requesting that the person who uses the last of the paper kindly obtain replacement boxes from the copy room??? or something to that effect ...