I'm sitting in the airport in San Diego waiting for my flight... I got here way too early, but I just didn't have anything else to do... so here I am... it's almost 2 and my flight is at 4:40... I'm flying Southwest and luckily I got a really good number so I'll be able to get a good seat.
Anywho... onto the post I've been wanting to write.
I've finished my first book of the year.

I hadn't even realized they made a sequel to Freakonomics... but luckily my mother-in-law, Chris gave me this book for Christmas. I was very excited to read it b/c I enjoyed the first one so much, and this one did not let me down. Written very similar to the first it's filled with interesting facts. I enjoyed each chapter... I learned about creative solutions to global warming, prostitutes, suicide bombers and life insurance, child safety seats, easy solutions, and why monkeys are humans too.
I would highly recommend both this and the first book... I feel like I also need to say that I HATED economics in college... I wasn't good and when I switched to a Business major I was dreading the fact I had to take higher level economics and I absolutely LOVED these books, they make economics and an economical view interesting... so please don't like the "onomics" part scare you.
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