Monday, January 11, 2010


I haven't posted in awhile, I'm sorry about that!!

Today I spent the morning of my day off going to a new doctor. I haven't been to a doctor in quite awhile so I thought I should probably go. I'm pretty good at staying on top of things and going to the doctor when I'm suppose to. The problem I had was I didn't really know who to go see... I had seen my mom's doctor, but really didn't like or connect with her.

Recently I found out through my mom that the OB-GYN we both go to (and love) has a twin sister who is a PCP. I found her number and scheduled an appointment... and today I had my visit. I'm really happy that I went to see a doctor, I know there's plenty of things that I don't do that I need to (diet, exercise, calcium) but it's good to have everything checked out.

Now if you know me at all you know that I get very incredibly nervous when I have to go to the doctor... especially if needles are involved. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to get blood tests or shots... I pretty much assumed that I would have to get some blood work done. After talking to my family they convinced me it wasn't such a sure thing that I would have to give blood and/or get shots. My nerves eased a bit with this information.

However, I did have to get blood work done (which is fine) and get a tetanus shot. At least the shot is good for 10 years :). I managed to get through the needles without fainting or even feeling like I might. That's huge, and I give credit to the staff for calming me and letting me lay down.

So you may be wondering, how is it having two different doctors that are twins. Well, I thought I had prepared myself for it, but it was a bit strange... I mean they look exactly alike, talk alike, have the same mannerisms... it was a bit different, but I'm really happy with the doctor, office, and staff.

So if anything turns up in my blood work I'll let you know... in the mean time I'm going to start taking calcium...

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