Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The chop

This whole post is a bit embarrassing for me... half due to some horrible pictures and half due to a fact I'm going to share with you now...

I have not had a haircut since last February... that's right... I went nearly a year without a haircut.

My super duper awesome aunt, Ruth cuts my hair for me... she doesn't cut hair professionally but she knows how and graciously cuts my hair for me. I haven't gotten a hair cut from a salon in I don't know how long... and I realized that I would have a hard time going to someone and trusting that they would do a good job. I know Ruth does a good job... I trust her!!

We were out at her house celebrating my Grandma's 73rd birthday. (happy birthday Grandma!!!) Which was a great time. And Ruth offered to cut it.

Anywho onto the pictures!!

Before (ignore my complete ugliness in these pictures and focus on the length of my hair)
I never realized how bad my cowlick is sometimes...
Here's Ruth cutting my hair
And the really weird face I make when she does the sliding cut on my bangs... look how my hair curled when it was cut as well... dang curly hair!!

And here's the after
Some other fun pictures from the day...

That's Chad washing Lindsey's hair for her... never though I'd see that!!
And Lin getting her hair cut
Keith also got in on the action of getting a haircut
And finally my cousin with a bunch of clips in his hair

1 comment:

Chris said...

Love the hair!!