Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolution

I've been thinking about a New Years resolution for the last few days. I haven't really had a resolution in the past few years. I think is silly to say I'm going to lose weight or exercise more often (both of which I NEED to do...)

I wanted to come up with something that I should be doing but different than the typical New Years Resolution.

Last night as I was falling asleep (or was it this morning... I don't remember) I came up with it...

I'm resoluting (is that the right word?... probably not but I digress) to read more books in the upcoming year and review on my blog... I'm going to set the goal at 25 books... I wanted to aim for 50 but I hear it's better to make obtainable goals.

So if you have any books to recommend let me know, I'm all ears :)

Happy 2010 Everyone!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I LOVE to read, and am always reading a book. If you look at my post today about my 101 in 1001 I have a ton of books listed that are on my list to read. I'm also on goodreads as angie klenke if you wanna be my friend. Goodreads is an awesome site that recommends books and keeps a list of ones you are reading and want to read and have already read. Happy New Year!