This is a silly posts... but it's about dog toys!!
I finally have a dog that actually plays with dog toys!! It's so much fun to go to the store and pick them out. Rowdy is more of the toy lover, but Bozley plays a fair share too. So here are our favorite toys for the dogs.
The dogs seem to enjoy stuffed toys the best... but they would rip them to shreds in a matter of an hour so we needed to find more "heavy duty" toys... Since this epiphany we have found some toys that work well for our dogs.
First up we have "giraffe" -
Kong BraidzWhen it's new it looks like:

Ours looks like this... well worn (the head was about the first thing to go...), but still a great toy

Next up we have the "pig" -
Tuffy Pet Toy Polly the PigNew:

This was the first "tuffy" toy we bought and were very happy with it. Chad cut the tail off before we gave it to them... and Boz chewed off the ears, but it's lasting. I just happened across this at PetsMart, when we realized how much we liked it we went back to get another, but they were sold out... and how adorable is the pink and flowers?? Here's what ours looks like now

Next up we have "dragon" -
Go Dog Baby DragonNew:

This one is nice b/c there's no stuffing in the body (head yes) it's also got a weird netting on the inside that's suppost to make it more durable... but he's floppy which Rowdy seems to like... plus how freaking cute is a dragon!!

We have a rope and other Kong toys too, but since you've probably all seen it before then there's no reason to post pictures of them...
Finally we have "ring" -
Tuffy Ultimate RingNew:

We are way happy with this toy... it still pretty much looks like it's brand new. We like it b/c we can play fetch with him and also tug of war... it's pretty strong!!

(see Rowdy's new collar in this pic? He's pretty BA)

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