How I'm feeling: I'm still going with good, although slightly more uncomfortable at times than I have been... and by slightly, I mean slightly... not complaining at this point!
Sleep: I sleep really well, I will say getting up in the middle of the night to pee (1-2 times a night still) is a little more painful. I'm not sure what it is about those middle of the night wake ups that I feel sore and my belly hurts/cramps (for lack of a better word) but by the time I get up in the morning I don't have those pains. Rolling over is also a workout and can be uncomfortable at times. I will say I'm seriously thinking about buying a bed frame soon b/c getting out of our low bed is just annoying lately.
Worries/Fears: Childcare, birth, what the heck I'll do with a child... the normal things
Miss anything: Nothing really this week
Movement: Quite a bit, but I wish baby would time big kicks right when I was around someone who would actually feel it. I did force Dan to touch my belly this week... so I'm working on him
Food cravings: Sweets... why couldn't it be vegetables? Also I want soda, yummy cold bubbly soda. I do drink soda at times, but try not to drink too much. I have been going to QT at times and getting a mostly caffeine free diet coke, with a little regular coke and cherry flavor fountain drink. I've always been a fan of mixing regular and diet soda together.
Food aversions: Nada
Other symptoms: The swelling hasn't been bad this week - I think b/c the temperature was overall cooler this week... of course next week is looking hot again so we can test that theory. Also the hot flashes happen more often which isn't the most fun to start sweating out of no where.
Maternity clothes, Stretch marks, Belly Button: Maternity clothes... my belly button is looking funny and can pop out a bit, but luckily not showing through clothes. I did buy a pair of regular cheap flip flops b/c well potential fat feet and the only flip flops I wear are my FitFlops and they are chunkier and taller.
What I'm looking forward to: Keith will be in town this week (yes, he's been in a bunch this year!) And productivity!
Best moment of this week: The work week went really fast and I was off on Friday which even better. Thursday night I made dinner and then cross-stitched. Friday I woke up and did some chores around the house. Then Lindsey headed over and we got Thai for lunch at King and I (so so good) and stopped by TRX for her to get some body jewelry. Afterwards we hung out for awhile and got snow cones from a place near my house. I've got to say, they were probably the best snow cones I've ever had... I'll be going back! That night Dan and I got dinner and then I cross-stitched.
Saturday I met up with my mom and we first went to Babies R Us to look at gliders. Casually walked around that store. I'll probably get a glider from a friend of my mom's which is great. Next we went to Once Upon a Baby to look around and I bought about 4 onesies/sleep dress/shirt things for baby. I was probably too worried we'd have no clothing for this baby, so I wanted something. I got them all for about $17 which didn't seem to bad. Next we looked at Joann's for fabric for a couple of projects for the nursery. Then went to Target to look around... I ended up buying a bunch of random crap we needed. We stopped for drinks at Sonic before checking out Hancock Fabrics. Finally we checked out a Kid's Resale shop in Arnold I've passed a bunch near my work. I'll be checking them out again. We had lunch at Bellecinos and then headed back to her house. We then looked at fabric online before finally deciding what to get - for curtains, crib skirt and possibly a small pillow. It sounds like a lot of running around, but really it was a nice day! That night Dan and I ordered some calzones and I cross-stitched.
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too perfect for our house |
Sunday Dan and I went grocery shopping together. Then when I got back my dad called and asked if I wanted to meet him for brunch - so I met him at the casino for brunch. That afternoon was relaxing and I, you guessed it, cross-stitched.
The Bump:
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